Born To Walk: The Broken Promises of the Running Boom, and How to Slow Down and Get Healthy--One Step at a Time Mark Sisson
Løb som eliten: Bliv hurtigere på 5 km, 10 km, halvmaraton og maraton med Hechmann-metoden Claus Hechmann4.3
The Manual of Yoga Anatomy: Step-by-step guidance and anatomical analysis of 30 asanas Sally Parkes4.3
Den letteste vej til flad mave: 200 lækre opskrifter, der fjerner de ekstra kilo - én gang for alle Gitte Heidi Rasmussen3.3
Calisthenics Playbook for Push Pull Squat: Get Strong with Comic-Style Bodyweight Fitness Wayne Foong Weng Hui5