1. Professorens grønne energigrød: Opbyg et stærkt tarmmikrobiom og hold dig rask Mette Mølbak
  2. Rosa uden filter Camilla Lindemann
  3. Professorens grønne energigrød: Opbyg et stærkt tarmmikrobiom og hold dig rask Mette Mølbak
  4. Pissegodmad David Kallestrup Pedersen
  5. Brændende kærlighed Tobias Hamann
  6. Kitchen Confidential: En køkkenchefs bekendelser Anthony Bourdain
  7. MILENAS MAD 2: Hjernemad & anticancermad Milena Penkowa
  8. Kagetid Liv Martine Hansen
  9. Køkkenskole Timm Vladimir
  10. Hyggemad – snacks og små lækkerier Julia Ring Olsen
  11. The Justin Wilson Cookbook Justin Wilson
  12. Quick & Easy Thai: 70 Everyday Recipes Nancie McDermott
  13. The Unofficial Witcher Cookbook: Daringly Delicious Recipes for Fans of the Fantasy Classic Trey Guillory
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  15. The New Grand Tour Cookbook 2 Hannah Grant
  16. Maden fra Matador: Historien om Laura og de bedste opskrifter fra Korsbæk Lise Nørgaard
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  21. Flyttehjemmefra-kogebog: nem, hurtig, billig mad - og næsten ingen opvask Louisa Lorang
  22. Maden i mit liv: Nem og lækker hverdagsmad Anne-Kathrine Schelde
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  24. Småkager Mette Blomsterberg
  25. Aamanns grønne køkken Adam Aamann
  26. The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook Rachel Saunders
  27. Hubert Keller's Souvenirs: Stories & Recipes from My Life Hubert Keller
  28. Practically Raw: Flexible Raw Recipes Anyone Can Make Amber Shea Crawley
  29. The Animal Farm Buttermilk Cookbook: Recipes and Reflections from a Small Vermont Dairy Diane St. Clair
  30. Mexican Flavors: Contemporary Recipes from Camp San Miguel Hugh Carpenter
  31. Pickles, Pigs & Whiskey: Recipes from My Three Favorite Food Groups and Then Some John Currence
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  33. Mary Mac's Tea Room: 65 Years of Recipes from Atlanta's Favorite Dining Room John Ferrell
  34. Bitterman's Craft Salt Cooking: The Single Ingredient That Transforms All Your Favorite Foods and Recipes Mark Bitterman
  35. America's Best Ribs Paul Kirk
  36. Tupelo Honey Cafe: New Southern Flavors from the Blue Ridge Mountains Elizabeth Sims
  37. The Artist, the Cook, and the Gardener: Recipes Inspired by Painting from the Garden Maryjo Koch
  38. Tupelo Honey Cafe: Spirited Recipes from Asheville's New South Kitchen Elizabeth Sims
  39. Vegan Family Meals: Real Food for Everyone Ann Gentry
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  41. Hubert Keller's Christmas in Alsace Hubert Keller
  42. Hubert Keller's Souvenirs: Stories & Recipes from My Life Hubert Keller
  43. Real Food for Everyone: Vegan-Friendly Meals for Meat-Lovers, Vegetarians, and Vegans Ann Gentry
  44. 4-Ingredient BLW Recipes: The Big Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook with Simple Recipes to Start Solids for Babies from 6 Months Onwards (Healthy BLW Recipes for a Safe Introduction of Solid Foods) Franka Lederbogen
  45. How to Start Solids: Starting Solids for Your Baby with Puree and Finger Foods (The Basic Book for Starting Solid Food and Baby-Led Weaning, Including a 4-Week Guide) Franka Lederbogen
  46. One More Slice: Sourdough Bread, Pizza, Pasta and Sweet Pastries Leila Lindholm
  47. Preserving: Jams, Jellies, Pickles and More Carol Wilson
  48. Grandmother's Recipes Vivian Head
  49. 1000 Recipe Cookbook Arcturus Publishing
  50. The 30-Day Carnivore Boot Camp: A Beginner’s Guide to Successfully Doing an All-Meat Lifestyle Jacie Gregory