Økonomi & Business

Økonomi & Business

Populære serier

  1. Fuskbygget : så knäckte bostadsmarknaden Sverige och världen Andreas Cervenka
  2. Självmedkänsla på jobbet : för dig som tröttnat på stress, press och otrygghet Sofia Viotti
  3. The New Rules of Investing: Essential Wealth Strategies for Turbulent Times Richard C. Morais
  4. The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues • A Leadership Fable Patrick Lencioni
  5. The Success Complex: Ancient wisdom, the building blocks of life and your path to sustained success Adrian Kelly
  6. AI Valley: Microsoft, Google, and the Trillion-Dollar Race to Cash In on Artificial Intelligence Gary Rivlin
  7. The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
  8. Den intelligenta investeraren: Den definitiva boken om värdeinvesteringar Benjamin Graham
  9. La psicología del dinero - Español (Latinoamérica): Cómo piensan los ricos: 18 claves imperecederas sobre riqueza y felicidad Morgan Housel
  10. The Charismatic Leader: 21 Skills to Connect with People John C. Maxwell
  11. Time Anxiety: The Illusion of Urgency and A Better Way to Live Chris Guillebeau
  12. The Money School: 12 Simple Lessons to Master Financial Markets and Investing Nicole Lapin
  13. Why We’re Getting Poorer: A Realist’s Guide to the Economy and How We Can Fix It Cahal Moran
  14. 21 Dinge über deine Finanzen, die du wissen solltest: Alles zu Vermögensaufbau, Geldanlage und privaten Finanzen | Einfach erklärt von Finanztest Matthias Kowalski
  15. Conflict Resilience: Negotiating Disagreement Without Giving Up or Giving In Joel Salinas