The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues • A Leadership FablePatrick Lencioni
The Success Complex: Ancient wisdom, the building blocks of life and your path to sustained successAdrian Kelly
AI Valley: Microsoft, Google, and the Trillion-Dollar Race to Cash In on Artificial IntelligenceGary Rivlin
La psicología del dinero - Español (Latinoamérica): Cómo piensan los ricos: 18 claves imperecederas sobre riqueza y felicidadMorgan Housel
21 Dinge über deine Finanzen, die du wissen solltest: Alles zu Vermögensaufbau, Geldanlage und privaten Finanzen | Einfach erklärt von FinanztestMatthias Kowalski
The Seven Tensions of Negotiation: Breathe and Let the Opposition Make the Tough DecisionsCash Nickerson
Becoming the Best: Build a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based LeadershipHarry M. Jansen Kraemer, Jr.
KI für Präsentationen: Mit den richtigen KI-Tools Präsentationen schneller, einfacher und kreativer erstellen | Inklusive Chatbot und digitalen Zusatzinhalten zum BuchMatthias Garten
The New Science of Momentum: How the Best Coaches and Leaders Build a Fire from a Single SparkDon Yaeger
Work Less, Make More, and Have Fun in Your Business: How to Create the Business of Your Dreams in 12 Easy StepsGeorge Horrigan
How Things Are Made: A Journey Through the Hidden World of Manufacturing, from Toilet Paper to Airplanes and Everything in BetweenTim Minshall
Kernkompetenz Zuhören: Menschen verstehen, Missverständnisse vermeiden, Beziehungen verbessern | Mit digitalen Zusatzinhalten zum BuchJürgen Melmuka
Black. Fat. Femme.: Revealing the Power of Visibly Queer Voices in Media and Learning to Love YourselfJonathan P. Higgins, Ed.D
The Little Book of Data: Understanding the Powerful Analytics that Drive AI, Make or Break Careers, and Could Just End Up Saving the WorldJustin Evans