CBI 3.04 | The future perfect and review of adjectives | Ti sentirai come a casa!Coffee Break Languages
CBI 3.16 | Indefinite adjectives and pronouns | Scopriamo la Puglia con Nicola.Coffee Break Languages
CBI 3.17 | Molto, troppo, poco, tanto used as adjectives or adverbs | Alberobello e i suoi TrulliCoffee Break Languages
CBI 3.23 | Consolidation of present subjunctive | Il cliente ha sempre ragione!Coffee Break Languages
CBI 3.25 | Perfect and pluperfect subjunctive | In bocca al lupo per il colloquio!Coffee Break Languages
CBI 3.29 | Pronominal and phraseological verbs| Te la stai cavando alla grande!Coffee Break Languages
Incidenti di percorso... a Saturnia - Coffee Break Italian Travel Diaries Episode 7Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.01 | Per te è importante viaggiare? - Is travelling important to you?Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.03 | Qual è la tua parola italiana preferita? - What's your favourite Italian word?Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.05 | Pensi che sia importante studiare le lingue straniere? - Do you think that studying foreign languages is important?Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.06 | Preferisci l’estate o l’inverno? - Do you prefer summer or winter?Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.08 | Se potessi andare in qualsiasi posto del mondo, dove andresti? - If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.09 | Qual è la cosa più strana che hai mai mangiato? - What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?Coffee Break Languages
CBI To Go 2.10 | Qual è la tua città italiana preferita? - What is your favourite Italian city?Coffee Break Languages
CBI Mag 2.04 | Samantha Cristoforetti: un’italiana alla Stazione Spaziale InternazionaleCoffee Break Languages
‘Tu’ and ‘Lei’ - How to navigate informal and formal Italian | The Coffee Break Italian Show 1.01Coffee Break Languages
‘Potere’, ‘sapere’, ‘riuscire’ - How to translate ‘can’ | The Coffee Break Italian Show 1.04Coffee Break Languages
How to apologise, excuse yourself and ask for permission in Italian | The Coffee Break Italian Show 1.09Coffee Break Languages
CBG 3.01 | A Review of the Perfect Tense | Wir haben uns schon lange nicht mehr gesehenCoffee Break Languages
CBG 3.03 | Using the pronouns welche and diese | Mit welchem Schiff fahren wir?Coffee Break Languages
CBG 3.09 | The Infinitive with um zu | Was soll ich tun, um durchs Land zu reisen?Coffee Break Languages
CBG 3.11 | The genitive with prepositions | Laut Aussagen es Fanclubs, wird Mark P. PianistCoffee Break Languages
CBG 3.12 | Adjectival endings in the genitive | Früchte des italienischen SommersCoffee Break Languages
CBG 3.15 | Relative Pronouns in the Genitive | Das Mädchen, dessen Haare bis zum Boden reichenCoffee Break Languages
CBG 3.24 | The Past Participle as an Adjective | Nehmen Sie den gekühlten Teig aus dem KühlschrankCoffee Break Languages