

  1. Kongen af campus L. Sherman
  2. Fri mig fra det onde : Min barndom som Jehovas Vidne Sophie Jones
  3. Den med skjorterne Christina Copty
  4. Jesus elsker tynder piger - De ofrede alt for sekten Niina Repo
  5. Sektens børn Mariette Lindstein
  6. Ondskab: Ruth stjal mit liv Sophia Evensen
  7. Drenge græder ikke Carl-Christian Okking
  8. Schrödingers Grrrl Marlen Hobrack
  9. Grænseløs beundring Aimee Molloy
  10. Hjärntvättad Stefan Malmström
  11. Christakis's Rebellious Wife Lynne Graham
  12. My Dark Vanessa: A Novel Kate Elizabeth Russell
  13. Hvem ved?, Sort Læseklub: Sort Læseklub Christina Holgård Sørensen
  14. MANIPULATION: Comment reconnaître les techniques de manipulation, analyser les gens & manipuler et convaincre les autres grâce à la psychologie, à la PNL, au langage corporel et à la communication Victoria Lakefield
  15. Les 7 outils de la manipulation - La psychologie de la persuasion: Comment manipuler les gens par la communication suggestive et le langage corporel et renforcer votre leadership et influence sociale Augustin Steinbach
  16. Wahrheit, Lüge & Vernunft: Über die Macht der Manipulation Hermann Selchow
  17. The Family Next Door Charlotte Stevenson
  18. Truth, Lies & Reason: About the Power of Manipulation Hermann Selchow
  19. Drop the Diet, Drop the Weight: Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss Vera LaRee
  20. Sexuality and Seduction Vladimir Živković
  21. Charles Manson Orage Forlag
  22. Your Pocket Therapist: Quick Hacks for Dealing with Toxic People While Empowering Yourself Sherrie Campbell
  23. Total Banana? Survive in Crazy Companies: incl. Bonus – Handle boss-bummers team conflicts & mobbing, quick wit & anti-stress communication against sabotage psychology & manipulation techniques Simone Janson
  24. Kristi bruds slav Cecilia Gustavsson
  25. A Modern Mephistopheles Louisa May Alcott
  26. Salome Oscar Wilde
  27. Use the Power of Desire & Win: incl. Bonus – Psychology of persuasion & manipulation, lead people, understand communication rhetoric & body language, influence behavior, achieve all your goals Simone Janson
  28. Hustling - The Smart Way to Achieve Goals: incl. Bonus – Improve communication resilience & self-confidence, Learn psychology manipulation techniques & the power of rhetoric, earn more money Simone Janson
  29. Er pappas dubbelliv: En sann historia Andrea Hunter
  30. A Dangerous Woman: A Novel Mary McGarry Morris
  31. Snow Caroline B. Cooney
  32. Jitterbug Loren D. Estleman
  33. Songs in Ordinary Time: A Novel Mary McGarry Morris
  34. Bullettime Nick Mamatas
  35. The Master of Ballantrae Robert Louis Stevenson
  36. Fire Caroline B. Cooney
  37. Behind a Mask: Or, A Woman's Power Louisa May Alcott
  38. Fog Caroline B. Cooney
  39. Othello William Shakespeare
  40. Axis Sally: The American Voice of Nazi Germany Richard Lucas
  41. The Turret Room Charlotte Armstrong
  42. Scripts People Live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts Claude Steiner
  43. Tales of the New World: Stories Sabina Murray
  44. The Elephant Man Bernard Pomerance
  45. The Look of Love Jill Egizii
  46. The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human Jonathan Gottschall
  47. Before He Wakes: A True Story of Money, Marriage, Sex and Murder Jerry Bledsoe
  48. Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism John Patrick Leary
  49. A Journey to the End of the Millennium: A Novel of the Middle Ages A. B. Yehoshua
  50. Totalitarianism: Part Three of The Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt