
  1. Vi havde en fest på arbejdet, men så kom Preben ...: En guide til, hvordan du stopper følelsesmæssig forurening på jobbet Rikke Østergaard
  2. Fartblind: En beretning om stress, kærlighed og livet i toppolitik Jacob Mark
  3. Omgivet af dårlige chefer: Derfor er godt lederskab sjældent Thomas Erikson
  4. Ét liv Én tid Ét menneske: Hvordan vi glemte at leve et meningsfuldt liv Morten Albæk
  5. Mellemleder: Akut krisehjælp til chefen i midten Palle Steffensen
  6. Pseudoarbejde: Hvordan vi fik travlt med at lave ingenting Dennis Nørmark
  7. Rig på tid: - med en kortere arbejdsuge og klimavenlige vaner Nanna Hyldgaard Hansen
  8. Vi er bedst når vi er glade Mikael Kamber
  9. Tilbage til arbejdet: - Sådan bekæmper vi pseudoarbejde i organisationer Dennis Nørmark
  10. FEED BACK – så du bliver hørt Maj Bjerre
  11. Apollo-metoden Petter A. Stordalen
  12. Nej-klubben - Et opgør med kvinders karriere-hæmmende arbejde Linda Babcock
  13. Sådan får vi en 4-dages arbejdsuge Pernille Garde Abildgaard
  14. Det gennemsnitlige menneske: Om at lede sig selv og andre Stig Matthiesen
  15. Tro på dig selv Ulrik Wilbek
  16. Afdelingen for sund fornuft: Bliv fri for bureaukratisk forstoppelse og corporate bullshit Martin Lindstrom
  17. Stresset: Hvornår har du selv et ansvar? Thomas Milsted
  18. Dorte Palle Alene: Endelig selvstændig Dorte Palle
  19. Maid: hårdt arbejde, lav løn og en mors kamp for at overleve Stephanie Land
  20. Fremtidsklar Lars Tvede
  21. Det grænseløse arbejdsliv: At lede de selvledende medarbejdere Anders Raastrup Kristensen
  22. Eldvittnet Lars Kepler
  23. The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation Timothy R. Clark
  24. Trägen vinner Noam Frick
  25. Spilld mjölk Malin Sundin
  26. Thanks for the Feedback - The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well: A Group Discussion Vines Graener
  27. Astrology in the Workplace: The Zodiac Guide to Creating Great Working Relationships Penny Thornton
  28. Unleashing Potential: Enhancing Human Capital Eloise Ardante
  29. Peak Performance Culture: The Five Metrics of Organizational Excellence Dave Mitchell
  30. Stop Engaging Employees: Start Making Work More Human Eryc Eyl
  31. 7 Ways to Lead: Evolve Professionally & Personally Andre Young
  32. Work Positive in a Negative World, The Team Edition: Redefine Your Reality and Achieve Your Work Dreams Dr. Joey Faucette
  33. Transform Your Life: The Shocking Truth About Change You Need to Know: "Unlock your potential! Dive into captivating audio insights that reveal the secrets to effective life transformation." Orin Caldwell
  34. Awkward Conversations: Confidently Navigate the Water Cooler Conversations various authors
  35. Enabling Empowerment: A Leadership Playbook for Ending Micromanagement and Empowering Decision-Makers Chris Seifert
  36. Leading with Kindness: How Good People Consistently Get Superior Results Michael O'Malley
  37. The Ministry Of Common Sense: How to Eliminate Bureaucratic Red Tape, Bad Excuses, and Corporate BS Martin Lindstrom
  38. Practical Appreciative Inquiry: How to Use This Leading-Edge Coaching Method Confidently with Teams and Small Groups Andy Smith
  39. Human Side of Innovation: The Power of People in Love with People Mauro Porcini
  40. The Red Pill Executive: Transform Operations and Unlock the Potential of Corporate Culture Tony Gruebl
  41. Los primeros 90 días: Estrategias para ponerse al día con mayor rapidez e inteligencia Michael D. Watkins
  42. Teams That Trust: The Secrets to Lasting Connection and Success: "Elevate your team dynamics! Discover engaging audio lessons that foster connection and inspire lasting success." Jasper Vexley
  43. Transform Your Focus: Secrets to Ditch Distractions and Live Fully: "Revitalize your focus! Explore motivating audio lessons to ditch distractions and live your best life." Orin Renshaw
  44. Trouble with Staff Attitudes and Commitment?: A Handbook for How You Get Everyone to Contribute towards Good Results Ingemar Fredriksson
  45. Problem med personalens attityd och engagemang?: En handbok i hur du får alla att bidra till goda resultat Ingemar Fredriksson
  46. Ignite Your Strategy: 7 Steps to Identify What Matters and Build a Winning Future Jules Aubert
  47. Engage Authentically: Transform Your Leadership and Build Stronger Teams: "Elevate your leadership game! Grab our audiobook for powerful insights on building authentic, high-performing teams." Dorian Lockridge
  48. Menschen & Organisationen entwickeln: Beratungs-, Coaching- und Trainingskompetenzen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater (mit internen und externen Einsatzmöglichkeiten) Erwin Hoffmann
  49. Subtle Acts of Exclusion: How to Understand, Identify, and Stop Microaggressions Tiffany Jana
  50. The Cactus and Snowflake at Work: How the Logical and the Sensitive Can Thrive Side by Side Devora Zack