Business Models for the Social Mobile Cloud: Transform Your Business Using Social Media, Mobile Internet, and Cloud ComputingTed Shelton
Funny Business: Harnessing the Power of Play to Give Your Company a Competitive AdvantageChristopher Byrne
Achieve with Accountability: Ignite Engagement, Ownership, Perseverance, Alignment, and ChangeMike Evans
Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die, Revised and UpdatedEric Siegel4.1
Leadership 2030: The Six Megatrends You Need to Understand to Lead Your Company into the FutureYvonne Sell4.4
Social Selling Mastery: Scaling Up Your Sales and Marketing Machine for the Digital BuyerJamie Shanks2.9
Planning a Successful Future: Managing to Be Wealthy for Individuals and Their AdvisorsJohn E. Sestina
Mastering the Challenges of Leading Change: Inspire the People and Succeed Where Others FailH. James Dallas5
Simply Brilliant: Powerful Techniques to Unlock Your Creativity and Spark New IdeasBernhard Schroeder4.1
Missed Information: Better Information for Building a Wealthier, More Sustainable FutureDavid Sarokin3
Negotiating with Tough Customers: Never Take "No!" for a Final Answer and Other Tactics to Win at the Bargaining TableSteve Reilly4.8
Find Your Bliss: Break Free of Self-Imposed Boundaries and Embrace a New World of PossibilitiesJ.P. Hansen3.7
Click.ology: What Works in Online Shopping and How Your Business Can Use Consumer Psychology to SucceedGraham Jones2
Don't Wear Flip-Flops to Your Interview: And Other Obvious Tips That You Should Be Following to Get the Job You WantPaul Powers
The Brain Sell: When Science Meets Shopping: When Science Meets Shopping; How the new mind sciences and the persuasion industry are reading our thoughts, influencing our emotions, and stimulating us to shopDr. David Lewis4
Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management: How Top Companies Assess Risk, Manage Exposure, and Seize OpportunityJohn Hampton3.8
Buddha's Book of Meditation: Mindfulness Practices for a Quieter Mind, Self-Awareness, and Healthy LivingJoseph Emet4
Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving the Catastrophists WrongRobert Bryce1
Nature's Nether Regions: What the Sex Lives of Bugs, Birds, and Beasts Tell Us About Evolution, Biodiversity, and OurselvesMenno Schithuizen3