Understanding Dissociative Disorders: A Guide for Family Physicians and Health Care ProfessionalsMarlene E Hunter
The Hypnotic Use of Waking Dreams: Exploring Near-Death Experiences without the FlatlinesPaul W Schenk
Hypnotically Enhanced Treatment for Addictions: Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Gambling, Weight Control and Smoking CessationJoseph Tramontana
How To Coach A Woman - A Practitioners Manual: A refreshingly different guide to becoming an ethical and responsible coachLynette Allen
The Power Of Metaphor: Story Telling and Guided Journeys for Teachers, Trainers and TherapistsDavid Brown
Personalising Learning in the Primary Classroom: A Practical Guide for Teachers and School LeadersDr Elaine Wilmot
The Really Good Fun Cartoon Book of NLP: A simple and graphic(al) explanation of the life toolbox that is NLPPhilip Miller
Opening Doors to Quality Writing: Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 6 to 9 (Opening Doors series)Bob Cox
The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to become Thinking, Responsible and Caring CitizensJulie Duckworth
Why Do I Keep Doing This!!?: End Bad Habits, Negativity and Stress with Self-Hypnosis and NLPJudith E Pearson
The Big Book of Independent Thinking: Do things no one does or do things everyone does in a way no one does
The A Level Mindset: 40 activities for transforming student commitment, motivation and productivitySteve Oakes
Emotional Intelligence in the classroom: Creative Learning Strategies for 11-18 year oldsMichael Brearley
Inspirational Teachers Inspirational Learners: A Book of Hope for Creativity and the Curriculum in the Twenty First CenturyWill Ryan
The Book of Thunks: is not going fishing a hobby and other possibly impossible questions to stretch your brain and annoy your friendsIan Gilbert
Letting Go of the Glitz: The True Story of One Woman's Struggle to Live the Simple Life in ChelseaJulia Stephenson
Happy Kids Happy You: Using NLP to Bring Out the Best in Ourselves and the Children we Care ForSue Beever
The User's Manual For The Brain Volume I: The Complete Manual For Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner CertificationL Michael Hall
The Little Book of Music for the Classroom: Using music to improve memory, motivation, learning and creativityNina Jackson
Teacher-Led Research: Designing and implementing randomised controlled trials and other forms of experimental researchRichard Churches
Opening Doors to Quality Writing: Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 10 to 13 (Opening Doors series)Bob Cox
Improving Classroom Performance: Spoon Feed No More, Practical Applications For Effective Teaching and LearningSteve Garnett
More Magic of Metaphor: Stories for Leaders, Influencers, Motivators and Spiral Dynamics WizardsNick Owen5
Sweet Distress: How our love affair with feelings has fuelled the current mental health crisis (and what we can do about it)Gillian Bridge
15-Minute STEM Book 2: More quick, creative science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities for 5-11-year-oldsEmily Hunt
Making Every Geography Lesson Count: Six principles to support great geography teaching (Making Every Lesson Count series)Mark Enser
Making Every Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning (Making Every Lesson Count series)Shaun Allison
Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose: Ideas and resources for accessing literary heritage works (Opening Doors series)Bob Cox
The Birmingham Book: Lessons in urban education leadership and policy from the Trojan Horse affairColin Diamond CBE
Powering Up Students: The Learning Power Approach to high school teaching (The Learning Power series)Guy Claxton
Powering Up Children: The Learning Power Approach to primary teaching (The Learning Power series)Guy Claxton
The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands: A client-responsive therapy that facilitates natural problem-solving and mind-body healingRichard Hill
Making Every Maths Lesson Count: Six principles to support great maths teaching (Making Every Lesson Count series)Emma McCrea
Fun Learning Activities for Modern Foreign Languages: A Complete Toolkit for Ensuring Engagement, Progress and AchievementJake Hunton
What Else Can a Teacher Do?: Review your career, reduce stress and gain control of your lifeDavid Hodgson
Imperfect Leadership in Action: A practical book for school leaders who know they don't know it allSteve Munby
How to Move & Learn: An evidence-based guide to embedding physically active learning in your schoolBryn Llewellyn
Visible Maths: Using representations and structure to enhance mathematics teaching in schoolsPeter Mattock
Learning without Fear: A practical toolkit for developing growth mindset in the early years and primary classroomJulia Stead
Love Teaching, Keep Teaching: The essential guide to improving wellbeing at all levels in schoolsPeter Radford
On the Fringes: Preventing exclusion in schools through inclusive, child-centred, needs-based practiceJackie Ward
The Philosophy Foundation: The Numberverse- How numbers are bursting out of everything and just want to have funAndrew Day
Mentoring in Schools: How to become an expert colleague - aligned with the Early Career FrameworkHaili Hughes