Klima og miljø

  1. Vartegn Hanne Richardt Beck
  2. Jordisk Theis Ørntoft
  3. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari
  4. Invester bæredygtigt: - og bliv fremtidens vinder på aktiemarkedet Pernille Wahlgren
  5. Rig på tid: - med en kortere arbejdsuge og klimavenlige vaner Nanna Hyldgaard Hansen
  6. Et liv på vores planet: Mit vidnesbyrd og min vision for fremtiden David Attenborough
  7. Garderobemanifestet: 10 gode grunde til at genoverveje dit næste tøjkøb Tina Werborg
  8. Hummingbird Salamander Jeff VanderMeer
  9. Hummingbird Salamander: A Novel Jeff VanderMeer
  10. The Polytunnel Book: Fruit and Vegetables All Year Round Joyce Russell
  11. Afskaf affald: Fremtidsskrift Tor Nørretranders
  12. What's Gotten Into You: The Story of Your Body's Atoms, from the Big Bang Through Last Night's Dinner Dan Levitt
  13. Livet går over sine bredder Lea Marie Løppenthin
  14. Selv hvis alt forsvinder Jens Liljestrand
  15. Origin Story: A Big History of Everything David Christian
  16. Bunny Williams On Garden Style Bunny Williams
  17. Hvorfor planter vi ikke bare en masse træer? Margrethe Brun Hansen
  18. Drømmemesteren 1 Josefine Ottesen
  19. Kenya: Taking it Personally Wantari Maathai
  20. Fossil Men: The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind Kermit Pattison
  21. Transcendence: How Humans Evolved Through Fire, Language, Beauty, and Time Gaia Vince
  22. Quick-Fix Vegetarian: Healthy Home-Cooked Meals in 30 Minutes or Less Robin Robertson
  23. A Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making Sylvester Graham
  24. A Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making Sylvester Graham
  25. Rediscovering The Lost Ways: Embracing Self-Reliance and Reviving the Ancient Wisdom for Practical Survival Skills Ruth G. Pettis
  26. Nature on Paper: Documenting Science in Prussia, 1770-1850 Anne Greenwood MacKinney
  27. A Joosr Guide to... The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins: How We Know What’s Really True Joosr
  28. A Joosr Guide to… Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari: A Brief History of Humankind Joosr
  29. Foundations of Terrestrial Ecosystems Santiago Machain
  30. Vad gör dina barn när du sover? - Del 1 Mikael Strömberg
  31. Vad gör dina barn när du sover? - Del 2 Mikael Strömberg
  32. Vad gör dina barn när du sover? - Del 3 Mikael Strömberg
  33. On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin
  34. Det stora tältäventyret Emma V Larsson
  35. Recursos naturales: competencia, cooperación y conflicto en Sudamérica Cristián Faundes
  36. Un pianeta senz'acqua: Viaggio nella desertificazione contemporanea Fred Pearce
  37. Triple Tide: Three genders, a climate-torn planet — and salvation is slipping away. Foolona Hill
  38. Binas historia Maja Lunde
  39. Inevitable: Inside the Messy, Unstoppable Transition to Electric Vehicles Mike Colias
  40. Anuario de ecología integral y desarrollo saludable Adrián Beling
  41. Bæredygtig badass - En zero waste livsstilsguide Gittemarie Johansen
  42. Guía de supervivencia con agua: Encontrar, recoger, tratar, almacenar y prosperar fuera de la red de suministro con agua durante emergencias y aventuras al aire libre Dion Rosser
  43. Ingeniería ambiental: Saneamiento ambiental en establecimientos Vidal Fernando Peñaranda Galvis
  44. Super Natural: How Life Thrives in Impossible Places Alex Riley
  45. Dynamics of Terrestrial Ecosystems Santiago Machain
  46. Real Estate Secrets: Transform Your Path to Profitable Deals Oran Winsworth
  47. Master REI: Secrets to Crush Your Real Estate Exam: "Elevate your real estate exam prep! Discover immersive audio lessons for unbeatable performance with Master REI!" Casper Ellesmere
  48. Fungi: The Hidden Architects of Life Sylvan Mycora
  49. Globaler Klimawandel aus ökonomischer Perspektive: Mikro- und makroökonomische Konsequenzen, Lösungsansätze und Handlungsoptionen Frank Hubert
  50. Bringing Back the Beaver: The Story of One Man's Quest to Rewild Britain's Waterways Derek Gow