Klima og miljø

  1. Vartegn Hanne Richardt Beck
  2. Jordisk Theis Ørntoft
  3. Rig på tid: - med en kortere arbejdsuge og klimavenlige vaner Nanna Hyldgaard Hansen
  4. Garderobemanifestet: 10 gode grunde til at genoverveje dit næste tøjkøb Tina Werborg
  5. Klimapsykologi Solveig Roepstorff
  6. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants Robin Wall Kimmerer
  7. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari
  8. Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene Donna J. Haraway
  9. Et liv på vores planet: Mit vidnesbyrd og min vision for fremtiden David Attenborough
  10. Hvis vi vil: Den absolut realistiske guide til at bremse klimakrisen, før det er for sent Mads Nyvold
  11. Eating Chilli Crab in the Anthropocene Matthew Schneider-Mayerson (Editor)
  12. Invester bæredygtigt: - og bliv fremtidens vinder på aktiemarkedet Pernille Wahlgren
  13. Regeneration: The Rescue of a Wild Land Andrew Painting
  14. Afskaf affald: Fremtidsskrift Tor Nørretranders
  15. Din grønne rejse - en sund og stærk krop med plantebaseret kost Louise Bruun
  16. Livet går over sine bredder Lea Marie Løppenthin
  17. Sustainable business canvas : how to create successful, sustainable & scalable business models Rebecka Carlsson
  18. A Quiet Retreat Kiersten Modglin
  19. The Shetland Way: Community and Climate Crisis on my Father's Islands Marianne Brown
  20. Drømmemesteren 1 Josefine Ottesen
  21. Tro på det: Klima, håb og handlekraft Ida Auken
  22. The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution Richard Dawkins
  23. The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable Amitav Ghosh
  24. Ohne Flugzeug um die Welt: Klimabewusst unterwegs und glücklich Giulia Fontana
  25. Quick-Fix Vegetarian: Healthy Home-Cooked Meals in 30 Minutes or Less Robin Robertson
  26. A Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making Sylvester Graham
  27. A Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making Sylvester Graham
  28. Rediscovering The Lost Ways: Embracing Self-Reliance and Reviving the Ancient Wisdom for Practical Survival Skills Ruth G. Pettis
  29. Nature on Paper: Documenting Science in Prussia, 1770-1850 Anne Greenwood MacKinney
  30. A Joosr Guide to... The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins: How We Know What’s Really True Joosr
  31. A Joosr Guide to… Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari: A Brief History of Humankind Joosr
  32. Foundations of Terrestrial Ecosystems Santiago Machain
  33. Vad gör dina barn när du sover? - Del 1 Mikael Strömberg
  34. Vad gör dina barn när du sover? - Del 2 Mikael Strömberg
  35. Vad gör dina barn när du sover? - Del 3 Mikael Strömberg
  36. On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin
  37. Det stora tältäventyret Emma V Larsson
  38. Recursos naturales: competencia, cooperación y conflicto en Sudamérica Cristián Faundes
  39. Un pianeta senz'acqua: Viaggio nella desertificazione contemporanea Fred Pearce
  40. Triple Tide: Three genders, a climate-torn planet — and salvation is slipping away. Foolona Hill
  41. Binas historia Maja Lunde
  42. Inevitable: Inside the Messy, Unstoppable Transition to Electric Vehicles Mike Colias
  43. Anuario de ecología integral y desarrollo saludable Adrián Beling
  44. Bæredygtig badass - En zero waste livsstilsguide Gittemarie Johansen
  45. Guía de supervivencia con agua: Encontrar, recoger, tratar, almacenar y prosperar fuera de la red de suministro con agua durante emergencias y aventuras al aire libre Dion Rosser
  46. Ingeniería ambiental: Saneamiento ambiental en establecimientos Vidal Fernando Peñaranda Galvis
  47. Super Natural: How Life Thrives in Impossible Places Alex Riley
  48. Dynamics of Terrestrial Ecosystems Santiago Machain
  49. Real Estate Secrets: Transform Your Path to Profitable Deals Oran Winsworth
  50. Master REI: Secrets to Crush Your Real Estate Exam: "Elevate your real estate exam prep! Discover immersive audio lessons for unbeatable performance with Master REI!" Casper Ellesmere