
  1. ÆRØ MANIFESTET: Om længslen efter et andet familieliv Maj My Midtgaard Humaidan
  2. Dune Frank Herbert
  3. Mormorliv - Råd til at leve mere enkelt Jane Ibsen Piper
  4. 99 minimalistiske husråd - Find glæden ved mindre og gør din hverdag lettere Maria Rohde Madsen
  5. Lev for det halve: - og få familieliv, forbrug og arbejde i balance Nanna Hyldgaard Hansen
  6. Golak Josefine Ottesen
  7. Rig på tid: - med en kortere arbejdsuge og klimavenlige vaner Nanna Hyldgaard Hansen
  8. Udsigt fra en malkeskammel Frank Erichsen
  9. Momunity - Bæredygtig hverdag Sara R. Hamann
  10. Garderobemanifestet: 10 gode grunde til at genoverveje dit næste tøjkøb Tina Werborg
  11. Regnbuestenen: Lydbog Josefine Ottesen
  12. How to Keep House: The Essential Guide on How to Keep Your House Clean and Organized. Discover Smart and Practical Tips in Keeping an Orderly Home Julia Terrence
  13. Vildere have Lene Beier
  14. Spar & spis Anette Harbech Olesen
  15. Goblin Mode: How to Get Cozy, Embrace Imperfection, and Thrive in the Muck McKayla Coyle
  16. Hvorfor er dit legetøj guld værd? Lisa Bay
  17. Hvordan ser fremtiden ud? Lisa Bay
  18. Drømmemesteren 1 Josefine Ottesen
  19. Atomkraft - Alt det ingen har fortalt os Hans Jørgen Neilsen
  20. Videnskab og religion: foreningen af fornuft og ånd Ken Wilber
  21. Design Thinking for a Greener Tomorrow: Sustainable Vision Voja Malenkovic
  22. Beekeeping Joanna Ryde
  23. Rediscovering The Lost Ways: Embracing Self-Reliance and Reviving the Ancient Wisdom for Practical Survival Skills Ruth G. Pettis
  24. The Self-Sufficiency Specialist: The Essential Guide to Designing and Planning for Off-Grid Self-Reliance Alan Bridgewater
  25. Preserving: Jams, Jellies, Pickles and More Carol Wilson
  26. The Henkeeping Specialist David Squire
  27. Bæredygtig badass - En zero waste livsstilsguide Gittemarie Johansen
  28. Urban Gardening mal anders Benjamin Vogt
  29. Conscience Incorporated: Pursue Profits While Protecting Human Rights Michael Posner
  30. Transform Your Thinking: Secrets to Navigating Life's Complex Webs: "Transform your perspective! Engage with captivating audio lessons that simplify life’s complexities for success." Sullivan Wexley
  31. Equilibrio verde: Cuándo incorporar la sostenibilidad en los negocios (y cuándo no) Yossi Sheffi
  32. La naturaleza en casa Patrizia Rognoni
  33. Chicken Coops: The Essential Chicken Coops Beginner's Guide: An Easy Step By Step Guide With Creative Ideas To Plan And Build Your First Chicken Coop Tom Sutherland
  34. Silvohorticulture: A grower's guide to integrating trees into crops Ben Raskin
  35. Sustainability: Pathways to a Greener Future for Society and the Environment Jeron Iris
  36. Soil to Soul: The Regenerative Revolution Francis Brown
  37. a tempo - Das Lebensmagazin: September 2020
  38. Sustainable Botany: Understanding Plants, Sustainable Living, and Ecological Systems (2 in 1) Jeron Iris
  39. The Garden Tool Handbook: For Serious Gardeners to Small-Scale Farmers Zach Loeks
  40. Gestión y minimización de residuos: 2 Edición Miguel Ferrando Sánchez
  41. Opdragelse til livsmod og bæredygtighed Per Schultz Jørgensen
  42. HackCraft: Clever Hacks for Everyday Life MD ABDUL MANNAN
  43. Essential Soaps: A Guide to Making Natural Soaps at Home Well-Being Publishing
  44. A Farmer's Guide to Climate Disruption Rebekah L. Fraser
  45. Taste and Transform: Secrets to Elevating Everyday Cooking: "Cook like a pro! Our audiobook reveals essential secrets to transform your everyday meals into culinary delights!" Harris Pendleton
  46. The Backyard Homesteader: How to Save Water, Keep Bees, Eat from Your Garden, and Live a More Sustainable Life Alison Candlin
  47. The Water-Smart Garden: Techniques and Strategies for Conserving, Capturing, and Efficiently Using Water in Today's Climate... and Tomorrow's Noelle Johnson
  48. Cambiar o morir: Capitalismo, crisis climática y el Green New Deal Noam Chomsky
  49. Sustainable Minimalism: Embrace Zero Waste, Build Sustainability Habits That Last, and Become a Minimalist Without Sacrificing the Planet Stephanie Marie Seferian
  50. Aportes a la región: sostenibilidad empresarial e impacto social Aimee Pérez Esparza