The Great Highland Famine: Hunger, Emigration and the Scottish Highlands in the Nineteenth CenturyTom M. Devine
The Irish in the West of Scotland, 1797-1848: Trade Unions, Strikes and Political MovementsMartin Mitchell
Bloodfeud in Scotland 1573-1625: Violence, Justice and Politics in an Early Modern SocietyKeith M. Brown
Irish Immigrants and Scottish Society in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Proceedings of the Scottish Historical Studies Seminar, University of Strathclyde, 1989/90
Scottish National Consciousness in the Age of James VI: The Apocalypse, the Union and the Shaping of Scotland's Public CultureArthur Williamson
Independent and Free: Scottish Politics and the Origins of the Scottish National Party 1918–1945Richard J. Finlay
A Passion for Castles: The Story of MacGibbon and Ross and the Castles they SurveyedJanet Brennan-Inglis
The Glendale Bards: A Selection of Songs and Poems by Niall Macleoid (1843-1913), 'The Bard of Skye', His Brother Iain Dubh (1847-1901) and Father Domhnall nan Oran (c.1787-1873)Meg Bateman
Voices of Scotswomen in Peace and War: Spoken Recollections of Home Life, Employment and 1939-45 War ServiceIan MacDougall
Modern Scottish History: 1707 to the Present: Volume 2: The Modernisation of Scotland, 1850 to Present
The Scottish Book Trade, 1500-1720: Print Commerce and Print Control in Early Modern ScotlandAlastair J. Mann
Voices of Scottish Journalists: Recollections of 22 Scottish Journalists of Their Life and WorkIan MacDougall
Missions to the Gaels: Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Ulster and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland 1560–1760Fiona A. MacDonald