Step into an infinite world of stories
哆学快乐西游记第一季 —— 启程降妖篇,由哆学团队匠心打造,是专为全球华语家庭低幼儿童定制的广播剧。专业团队精心改编与配音,以多人广播剧形式,带来沉浸式体验。在尊重原著的前提下,筛选不适内容,让经典以趣味易懂的面貌呈现,孩子一听倾心。
故事围绕着唐僧师徒四人的降妖冒险展开。从捣蛋鬼孙悟空怀揣英雄梦、石猴获名,到唐僧收徒、师徒踏上取经路遭遇各种妖怪,如金角大王、银角大王等。孩子在欢乐中跟随角色成长,提升多元能力。作为国学经典,它传承勇敢正义等价值观,还有冷知识拓展。30 集精彩篇章,诚邀宝贝开启奇幻西游之旅!
Doolearn's Happy Journey to the West, Season 1 - The Departure and Demon - Subduing Chapter is a radio - drama meticulously crafted by the Doolearn creative team for young children in Chinese - speaking families around the world. The professional team conducts elaborate adaptations and voice - overs, presenting it in the form of a multi - voice radio - drama for an immersive experience. While respecting the original work, inappropriate content is screened out, allowing the classic to be presented in an interesting and easy - to - understand way that children will love at first listen.
The story revolves around the demon - subduing adventures of Tang Sanzang and his three disciples. It starts from the mischievous Sun Wukong having a hero's dream and the stone monkey getting a name, then proceeds to Tang Sanzang accepting disciples and the master - disciple group embarking on the journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures and encountering various demons, such as the Golden - Horned King and the Silver - Horned King. Children grow along with the characters in joy and improve their multiple abilities. As a traditional Chinese classic, it inherits values such as bravery and justice, and also has little - known knowledge expansion. With 30 wonderful episodes, it sincerely invites children to embark on this magical Journey to the West!
© 2025 Beijing Quantumera Education Consulting Co., Ltd. (Audiobook): 9798347762019
Release date
Audiobook: 13 February 2025