1. Garderobemanifestet: 10 gode grunde til at genoverveje dit næste tøjkøb Tina Werborg
  2. Regnbuestenen: Lydbog Josefine Ottesen
  3. Blå Maja Lunde
  4. Afskaf affald: Fremtidsskrift Tor Nørretranders
  5. Du ligner da ellers ikke en vegetar Arne Woythal
  6. Genfødt Josefine Ottesen
  7. Decolorization by Thanatephorus Cucumeris Dec 1 Makoto Shoda
  8. Recycling the Future: Circular Economy's Role in Reducing Pollution And Climate Change Davis Truman
  9. Discarded: How Technofossils Will be Our Ultimate Legacy Jan Zalasiewicz
  10. Et godt miljø giver gode arbejdspladser. Miljø, beskæftigelse og velfærd. En socialistisk vision Svend Auken
  11. The Shocking Truth about Everyday Products Zoey Fraisers
  12. Pollution: The Environmental Crisis That Threatens Our Health Marcus Kline
  13. Environmental Destruction: The Devastating Impact of Human Activity on Nature (2 in 1) Marcus Kline
  14. Reducing Airlines’ Carbon Footprint: Using the Power of the Aircraft Electric Taxi System Dr. Thomas F. Johnson
  15. På sakletarjakt Ajit Narra
  16. Elbilen och jakten på metallerna Arne Müller
  17. Smutsiga miljarder Arne Müller
  18. Living Planet: The Web of Life on Earth David Attenborough
  19. Sind wir noch zu retten?: Plastik, Feinstaub & Co. – was wir über Umwelteinflüsse und ihre Gesundheitsrisiken wissen sollten Hans-Peter Hutter
  20. Atmosphere of Hope: Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis Tim Flannery
  21. Now or Never: Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change and Create a Sustainable Future Tim Flannery
  22. Gone: A search for what remains of the world's extinct creatures Michael Blencowe
  23. Klimabevidsthedens barrierer Lisbeth Witthøfft Nielsen
  24. Oprindelse - hvordan Jorden skabte os: Hvordan Jorden skabte os Lewis Dartnell
  25. L is for Lifestyle: Revised and updated Ruth Valero
  26. Plastik im Meer: So ein Müll!: WOW-Wissen von Eric erforscht Eric Mayer
  27. Sustainability and Innovation: The Next Global Industrial Revolution Salah M. El-Haggar
  28. The Sheep Look Up John Brunner
  29. Save the Planet: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle My Ebook Publishing House
  30. Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters; From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima James Mahaffey
  31. Sådan ændrer vi alt – så intet bliver som før: En håndbog for unge klimaaktivister Rebecca Stefoff
  32. Dyrets folk Indra Sinha
  33. Romerske Miljøsvin Marie Brinch
  34. Chaos to Clean: The Essential Guide to Waste Management. Discover the Truth About Environment Waste and Landfills Drew Mitchell
  35. Speed and Scale: The Smart Guide on Living Green. Discover Useful Tips on How to Live Green so You Can Help the Environment and Mother Earth Nina Yakov
  36. Countdown: Unsere Zeit läuft ab – was wir der Klimakatastrophe noch entgegensetzen können Mojib Latif
  37. Climate Worrier: A Hypocrite’s Guide to Saving the Planet Colm O’Regan
  38. Die chinesische Transformation zur kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft Zhang Qizi
  39. Warum machen wir es nicht einfach?: Die Psychologie der Klimakrise Isabella Uhl-Hädicke
  40. Klimawandel - Realität, Irrtum oder Lüge?: Menschen zwischen Glauben und Wissen Werner Kirstein
  41. Geheimnisse aus dem Buch der Natur Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
  42. Silent Spring Rachel Carson
  43. Vejen hjem til Jorden: Glimt af miljø- og klimakampens historie Jørgen Steen Nielsen
  44. Banditter i CO2-habitter Ry Kristensen
  45. The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion Tansy E. Hoskins
  46. The Secure and the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations are Shaping a Climate-Changed World
  47. Roads, Runways and Resistance: From the Newbury Bypass to Extinction Rebellion Steve Melia
  48. Identity Destabilised: Living in an Overheated World
  49. The Politics of Permaculture Terry Leahy
  50. Dangerous Years: Climate Change, the Long Emergency, and the Way Forward David W. Orr