
  1. Frank vender hjem Kristian Bang Foss
  2. Den gamle mand og havet Ernest Hemingway
  3. Himmerige og helvede Jón Kalman Stefánsson
  4. Vestersand Ingeborg Arvola
  5. Tres kilo solskin Hallgrímur Helgason
  6. Fremtidsdrømme - Emma fra Averøya, bog 1 Harriet Hegstad
  7. De sidste fiskere: Fiskeriets storhed og fald Lars Bo Kirk
  8. Kystfisker Jens Ploug Hansen
  9. Tavshedsløftet - Emma fra Averøya, bog 2 Harriet Hegstad
  10. Offerlam - Emma fra Averøya, bog 5 Harriet Hegstad
  11. Havørred i åen. Håndbog for lystfiskere Jens Ploug Hansen
  12. The Daredevil Book for Anglers: Cunning Strategies That Fish Don't Know About Nick Griffiths
  13. The Compleat Angler Izaak Walton
  14. Fulfilling Dreams Lesson's Learned: Lesson's Learned Patty Mae Gray
  15. The River Home: An Angler's Explorations Jerry Dennis
  16. The Founding Fish John McPhee
  17. Fishing For Dummies: 3rd Edition Peter Kaminsky
  18. Fjeldfisker i Norden. Håndbog for lystfiskere Jens Ploug Hansen
  19. Medefisker. Håndbog for lystfiskere Jens Ploug Hansen
  20. Laksefeber. Håndbog for lystfiskere Jens Ploug Hansen
  21. Fiskesnak fra flueæsken Niels Fenger
  22. En blækspruttes sjæl: En overraskende og sanselig udforskning af bevidsthedens vidunder Sy Montgomery
  23. Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things Henry Van Dyke
  24. Naturens egne drenge: Nitten små hilsener med løst krudt til de muntreste af mine kammerater, de danske jægere Kaj Munk
  25. My Season on the Kenai: Fishing Alaska's Greatest Salmon River Lew Freedman
  26. Trout Bum John Gierach
  27. The Earth Is Enough: Growing Up in a World of Flyfishing, Trout & Old Men Harry Middleton
  28. The Fly Fishing Guide to Colorado's Flat Tops Wilderness Karen Christopherson
  29. Fishing Up North: Stories of Luck and Loss in Alaskan Waters Brad Matsen
  30. Pike Fishing - A Conclusive Look at the Baits, Tactics, and Techniques of Fishing for Pike H. Cholmondeley-Pennell
  31. A Smoky Mountain Boyhood: Memories, Musings, and More Jim Casada
  32. Surfing Virginia Beach and the Outer Banks Tony Lillis
  33. Fly-Fishing and Worm Fishing for Salmon, Trout and Grayling H. Cholmondeley-Pennell
  34. Lochs & Loch Fishing Hamish Stuart
  35. Trout Fishing W. Earl Hodgson
  36. The Book of Fish and Fishing - A Complete Compendium of Practical Advice to Guide Those Who Angle for All Fishes in Fresh and Salt Water Louis Rhead
  37. I Go A-Fishing W. C. Prime
  38. Naturens egne drenge: Nitten små hilsener med løst krudt til de muntreste af mine kammerater, de danske jægere Kaj Munk-Skolen
  39. The Secret Lives Of Anglers: Tall Tales From Below The Surface T.E.WEST
  40. A Book of Fishing Stories Frederick George Aflalo
  41. Consigli Sulla Pesca Per Principianti: Una Raccolta Di Idee, Consigli E Fatti Per Pescatori Alle Prime Armi! Owen Jones
  42. Trout Fly-Fishing in America - Illustrations and Plates by H. H. Leonard Charles Zibeon Southard
  43. Whaling and Fishing Charles Nordhoff
  44. Wet-Fly Fishing - Treated Methodically - With Illustrations E. M. Tod
  45. A Handbook of Angling - Teaching Fly-Fishing, Trolling, Bottom-Fishing and Salmon-Fishing Ephemera
  46. British Angling Flies Michael Theakston
  47. By Loch and Stream - Angling Sketches - With Sixteen Illustrations R. C. Bridgett
  48. The Fishmonger's Apprentice Aliza Green
  49. 365 Trout Flies: Patterns and Recipes for a Year of Successful Fishing Hans Weilenmann
  50. The Complete Guide to Freshwater Fishing Editors of Creative Publishing international