Kystfiskeri efter havørred. Kystspin, fluefiskeri, bobleflåd, flådmede, dørgning, trolling, de bedste agn, de sikre havørredpladser Jens Ploug Hansen3
En blækspruttes sjæl: En overraskende og sanselig udforskning af bevidsthedens vidunder Sy Montgomery4.2
Pike Fishing - A Conclusive Look at the Baits, Tactics, and Techniques of Fishing for Pike H. Cholmondeley-Pennell
The Book of Fish and Fishing - A Complete Compendium of Practical Advice to Guide Those Who Angle for All Fishes in Fresh and Salt Water Louis Rhead
The Big Book of Fly Fishing Tips & Tricks: 501 Strategies, Techniques, and Sure-Fire Methods C. Boyd Pfeiffer
Trout Fishing in the Northeast: Skills & Strategies for the NE United States and SE Canada Nick Smith