Kig op: Hvordan skærmen kom imellem dig og mig - og hvordan vi tager kontrollen tilbage Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær4.7
En vild historie, du endnu ikke har hørt: Den forunderlige vej fra ingenting til hyperintelligens Lars Tvede3.5
Resumen 10´ NEXUS: Una Breve Historia de las Redes de Información desde la Edad de Piedra hasta la Inteligencia Artificial. Yuval Noah Harari3.8
A Brief History of Intelligence: Why the Evolution of the Brain Holds the Key to the Future of AI Max Bennett5
A Brief History of Intelligence: Evolution, AI, and the Five Breakthroughs That Made Our Brains Max S. Bennett4.7
Kampen om fremtiden: Forstå hvordan kunstig intelligens påvirker mennesker, magt og markeder Thomas Terney3.9
AI Snake Oil: What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can't, and How to Tell the Difference Arvind Narayanan4.6
Supercharge Your Life with AI: A Practical Guide to Transform Health, Family, and Work with AI Rikard Steiber5
A Joosr Guide to… The Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford: Technology and the Threat of Mass Unemployment Joosr2.5