

  1. Englemageren Inger Gammelgaard Madsen
  2. Tolv uger med dig Johanna Schreiber
  3. Hændelsen Annie Ernaux
  4. Hjertebarn Cathrine Widunok Wichmand
  5. Kains pille Anet Elga
  6. Når du strammer garnet Camilla Stockmann
  7. About Abortion: Ten Things a New Generation of Christians Should Know James V. Heidinger III
  8. Dicen que tuve un bebé: Siete historias en las que el sistema judicial encarcela mujeres y a casi nadie le importa María Lina Carrera
  9. Allt ett under Juha Itkonen
  10. Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present Mary Ziegler
  11. Jaque a la Reina: Salud, autonomía y libertad reproductiva en Tucumán Alejandra Iriarte
  12. Libertad para Belén: Grito nacional Soledad Deza
  13. Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe v. Wade David J. Garrow
  14. The Search for an Abortionist: The Classic Study of How American Women Coped with Unwanted Pregnancy before Roe v. Wade Nancy Howell Lee
  15. The Millstone Margaret Drabble
  16. Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control Betsy Hartmann
  17. Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Legal Impact of the American Convention on Human Rights Ligia De Jesús Castaldi
  18. Untangling Twinning: What Science Tells Us about the Nature of Human Embryos Maureen L. Condic
  19. A New Ireland: How Europe's Most Conservative Country Became Its Most Liberal Niall O'Dowd
  20. You Carried Me: A Daughter’s Memoir Melissa Ohden
  21. Den hvide port Charlotte Strandgaard
  22. Unpregnant Jenni Hendriks
  23. La batalla por el derecho al aborto: El caso de la Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra
  24. The Family Roe: An American Story Joshua Prager
  25. At erobre ordet. Kvinderne og arbejderbevægelsen Toni Liversage
  26. Mercy Street Jennifer Haigh
  27. Deliver Us From Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America's Children Brian Fisher
  28. Tabet Marie Nørgaard
  29. Tabte Drømme - Kvinder og Spontan abort Christina Lassen-Andersen
  30. Dömda kvinnor : förbryterskor i Sveriges historia Elin Hägg
  31. Kvindens himmel og helvede. Om børnebegrænsning gennem tiderne Anette Løwert
  32. Abort i 25 år Birgit Petersson
  33. El Aborto Charles H. Spurgeon
  34. Radical Reproductive Justice: Foundation, Theory, Practice, Critique
  35. Realidades y retos del aborto con medicamentos en México Georgina Sánchez Ramírez
  36. Aborto libre: Materiales para la discusión y la lucha en Chile Karen Glavic
  37. Dömda kvinnor : förbryterskor i Sveriges historia Elin Hägg
  38. Die Pille und hormonelle Ver­hü­tung: Kleine Pille, große Nebenwirkungen Christopher Stark
  39. Every 90 Seconds: Our Common Cause Ending Violence Against Women Anne P. DePrince
  40. Red Clocks Leni Zumas
  41. ABORT: Post Abort Syndrom Ruth Hansen
  42. Dollars for Life: The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Fall of the Republican Establishment Mary Ziegler
  43. SULT Tine Høeg
  44. Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing Ryan T. Anderson
  45. Abortion Rights: For and Against Christopher Kaczor
  46. Women vs. American Supreme Court: The History of Abortion Legislation United States Congress
  47. Spilt Milk Amy Beashel
  48. A Daughter’s Lament Lee Gander
  49. Rethinking Life: Embracing the Sacredness of Every Person Shane Claiborne
  50. Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood Michele Goodwin