Battle Scars: Twenty Years Later: 3d Battalion 5th Marines Looks Back at the Iraq War and How it Changed Their Lives Chip Reid
Always a Soldier: Service, Sacrifice, and Coming Out as America’s Favorite Black, Gay Republican Rob Smith1
Historia de Mesopotamia: Una guía fascinante sobre las antiguas civilizaciones, ciudades e imperios de Iraq, Irán, Siria y Turquía Captivating History
El Imperio acadio: Una guía fascinante del primer imperio antiguo de Mesopotamia y de cómo Sargón el Grande de Acad conquistó las ciudades-estado sumerias Captivating History
The Rise of Isis: The Formation and Impact of the Islamic State in the 21st Century Fredrich Hazelton
Sirens: How to Pee Standing Up—An Alarming Memoir of Combat and Coming Back Home Laura Naylor Colbert