En smal bro over afgrunden: Den 7. oktober, jøderne og palæstinenserne, krigen og håbet Martin Krasnik4.6
The Umayyad Caliphate: The History and Legacy of the Second Islamic Kingdom Established After Muhammad’s Death Charles River Editors5
Getting to Know & Love the Holy Quran: A Children’s Book Introducing the Holy Quran The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection4
Getting to know Allah Our Creator: A Children’s Book Introducing Allah The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection3
Getting to Know & Love Islam: A Children's Book Introducing Islam The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection5
It Is About Islam: by Glenn Beck | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review: Exposing the Truth About ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, and the Caliphate IRB Media1.5
Rise of French Laïcité: French Secularism from the Reformation to the Twenty-first Century Stephen M. Davis