Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures: Million Dollar Partnering Strategies for Growing Any Business in Any Economy Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerrilla Facebook Marketing: 25 Target Specific Weapons to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches: Six Steps to Building Your Million-Dollar Coaching Practice Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerrilla Marketing Job Escape Plan: The Ten Battles You Must Fight to Start Your Own Business, and How to Win Them Decisively Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career: How to Attract Ongoing Opportunities in Perpetually Gut-Wrenching Times, for Entrepreneurs, Employees, and Everyone in Between Andrew Neitlich
Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 No-Cost, Low-Cost Weapons for Selling Your Work Jay Conrad Levinson
Guerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines: 35 World-Class Strategies to Send Your Profits Soaring Jay Conrad Levinson