Savages & Scoundrels: The Untold Story of America's Road to Empire through Indian TerritoryPaul VanDevelder
The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, & Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of CSharon Bertsch McGrayne
The Fate of the Corps: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the ExpeditionLarry E. Morris
The New Universe and the Human Future: How a Shared Cosmology Could Transform the World (The Terry Lectures Series)Nancy Ellen Abrams
The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living EthicallyPeter Singer5
The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism: How the Financial System Undermined Social Ideals, Damaged Trust in the Markets, Robbed Investors of Trillions—and What to Do About ItJohn C. Bogle4
Those Who Hold Bastogne: The True Story of the Soldiers and Civilians Who Fought in the Biggest Battle of the BulgePeter Schrijvers5
Learning by Doing : The Real Connection between Innovation, Wages and Wealth: The Real Connection between Innovation, Wages, and WealthJames Bessen