The Mindful Family: Parenting Strategies For Reducing Stress And Promoting WellnessBrittany Forrester
Building Bridges: A Parent's Road to Inclusive Education for Special Needs ChildrenBrittany Forrester
The Silent Cry: Understanding Children's Struggle With Self-Harm, Overcoming Pain And Building ResilienceBrittany Forrester
COMPLEX PTSD RECOVERY: Understanding and treating Complex Trauma Using EMDR and Concepts from Individual PsychologyBrittany Forrester
The Polyvagal Theory Unveiled: Understanding the Vagus Nerve's Influence on Your Emotional Well-being for a Healthier, Happier LifeBrittany Forrester
Beyond The Brain: Re-Thinking Epilepsy Diagnosis And Treatment Through The Mind-Body ConnectionBrittany Forrester
EMOTIONAL SUGAR: Understanding sugar addiction through the lens of emotional regulationBrittany Forrester
The Resilient Mind: Executive Functions, Emotion Regulation, And Mental Health in Children And AdolescentsBrittany Forrester