Building Web Apps with Just English and AI (with Vercel CEO Guillermo Rauch)Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal
The Art of Selling Enterprise Software (with ServiceNow CEO Bill McDermott)Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Episode 13: Push Pop Press (Facebook Instant Articles) with Todd BishopBen Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Acquired Episode 15: ExactTarget (acquired by Salesforce) with Scott DorseyBen Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Episode 18: Special—An Acquirer’s View into M&A with Taylor Barada, head of Corp Dev at AdobeBen Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Episode 27: Special—A Conversation with Microsoft's Head of Strategic Investments Brian SchultzBen Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Episode 28: The Amazon IPO with original Amazon Board Member Tom AlbergBen Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Episode 31: The Uber - Didi Chuxing Merger with Brad Stone, author of The Upstarts & The Everything StoreBen Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Episode 37: BAMTech, Disney and "the Biggest Media Company You've Never Heard Of”Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal