Schophenhauer wrote in 1893: "As soon as the terrors of life reach the point at which they outweigh the terrors of death, a man will put an end to his life" However when we have lost all hope, how sound is our judgement, I want to's very common in humans to have self-destructive thoughts that run counter to one´s desire. By suicide or suicidal ideation - we try to achieve something.. to make the situation/problem/hopelessness go away, but we do not know what´s on the other side... I could imagine it would just lead to a more painful incarnation. Today we start with the topic of family estrangement and progress to suicide - It doesn´t hurt to talk about it, you know, at least not if you are in the right company. And here we are.. Next chapter we will dive even more into the suicide and especially on how not to kill yourself, when you feel like it. THIS chapter however is about: • Family and the sense of who we are in the world (but remember there is so much more, if you detach from your heritage) • Ties to family - in nature but also constructed by social standing • Create your own family as a support system, knowing that it takes time, effort and A LOT OF heartbreak, when people don't want the same close relationship as you do • Remember that the more religious and radical you are, probably the more vulnerable too. • Estranging family and the consequences • What is true friends? How do you create safety and trust inside a relationship? • Normalize the estrangement!!! • Disenfranchised grief • Reactions from the outside when you cut the ties to family • What could theoretically unite the family again? Not just good intentions which is the way to hell • When my parents divorced after 30 years in spite of it being a great sin • How much do your parents owe you and you them? • With chosen family - what do you do when they can not be in contact? (strain on established friendships, when there is no bio family) • EXAMINE yourself (if you want to not be caught up in a pattern) • AND THEN: • F antasy • about dying by your own hand! • Coming to an end with yourself • A list of my suicide attempts • Origin: Feeling like a fundamental flaw • Mirroring the rejection from the environment • Becoming addicted to suicidal thinking • The truth of needing to die • The norms we have come from, which is still influencing our reactions to suicide-attempters • The stigma remains! (even if not well-defined) • Practitioners can be influenced and think of the attempter as manipulating - "a cry for help"? • Suicide prevention: Remember the feeling of WORTH in the attempter • Psychache!!! • The strain theory of suicide build on Durkheim- Value strain from differential values- Aspiration strain from the discrepancy between aspiration and reality- Deprivation strain from the relative deprivation, including poverty- Coping strain from deficient coping skills in the face of a crisis. • Mars in Pisces Feel free to reach out at: My website is: Also recently made a FB page:
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