#79 - John Clarke (Part 2) - Parts Work Perspective - Witnessing Without Judgment - Leading from Self, Listening to Parts - Having No AgendaMannah
#80 - Dr. Michael Smith - PTSD from a TCM Perspective - Awareness of Your Constructed Self - Where Healing BeginsMannah
#81 - Brid O'Donoghue - The Mystery of the Sensitive Child - When Switching Off Emotions Becomes a Normal Way of Being - Understanding SensitivityMannah
#82 - New Year Special - Astrologer Gray Crawford: The Astrology of 2025 - Follow Your CreativityMannah
#83 - Kim Barthel - The Conscious Evolution of the Human Spirit - The Expansive Tension - Therapy as an Opportunity to Sense YourselfMannah
#84 - Ruthie Smith - Energy, Soul Connecting and Awakening Consciousness - Psychotherapy in a New ParadigmMannah
#85 - Phil Mollon - Blue Diamond Healing - Exploring Transpersonal and Transdimensional Aspects of Energy PsychotherapyMannah
#88 - Davis K Brimberg - Teachings from the Gatekeeper: A Memoir and Journey into ParapsychologyMannah
#90 - Sheila Bélanger - Astrology Alchemy - Planets As Allies - Archetypal Astrology, Depth Psychology and Shamanic WisdomMannah
#4 - Religious trauma - Includes incomplete list of symptoms in and after religion + Religious astrological archetypesMannah
#5 - Wife or whore - Prostitution by choice (or because the alternative was worse) - Purity of Vestal Virgins - Ancient sacred prostitution - Madonna Whore ComplexMannah
#6 - Family Estrangement - Poor family bond & Bowens family system theory - Deciding to leave family - Long-term disconnection - Emotionally immature parents - Lilith and womankind (mythology that relates to now)Mannah
#7 - Suicide ideation, Suicide impulse and longing - The strain theory of suicide - When you can't see any other solution - Is life worth living?- Emotional crisisMannah
#8 - Adoption From The Birth Mothers Perspective - Man Against Himself - How Not To Kill Yourself - The power of a taboo - Suffering is a sign of life, not of deathMannah
#9 - Know your Pluto - Pluto as a disillusioned look at yourself - I walk a lonely road - Pluto Generations – Pluto in Aquarius: Find better friendsMannah
#10 - How old is your soul? - Why your soul age is helpful to be aware of -The Evolutionary Levels of Consciousness and Sub-stages - Consensus (Saturn) - Individuated (Uranus) - Spiritual (Neptune)Mannah
#11 - Sugar & Food Addiction - Addicted Brain & Addictive Personality - Moving away from Self-deception by recognizing Emotional HungerMannah
#12 - Thomas Moore - Madness: A Healthy Relief from Extreme Sanity - Cosmic Imagery & Soul Psychology - Take Care of the SoulMannah
#13 - Dr. Glenn Perry - AstroPsychology - A Personality Theory & Diagnostic Tool - Analysis Of Historical Figures Born On The Same Day - The Concept Of Integration - Synchronicity - Life Is The TherapyMannah
#14 - When You Push Through, What Are You Driven By? - On Being Too Hard On Yourself - Turn Pressure Into Self Awareness - When You Don't Want To Disappoint Others, What Does It Feel Like Inside Of Your Body?Mannah
#15 - Dr. Laura Anderson - When Religion Hurts You - Healing From Religious Trauma - The Impact Of High Control ReligonMannah
#17 - The Function Of The Orgasm by Wilhelm Reich - Character Armour - The Fight For Freedom - Sexual Life EnergyMannah
#18 - Vicki Werner- Near-Death Experience - The Secret To Healing And Recovery - Past Life Regression - Keep Your Attention On Healing - It Is Your Right To HealMannah
#19 - Mannah's Version of The Inner Smile Meditation - The Smile You Can Trust - Create Inner Radiance - Spiritual ExerciseMannah
#20 - Molly Pace - Going Beyond With Jupiter - Art Therapy - Connecting Astrological Patterns To Emotional WorkMannah
#23 - Melissa Guttman- Internal Family Systems - Witchy Therapy - Liberate Yourself Through Trauma WorkMannah
#24 - Unmasking The Real Self - James F. Masterson - The Search For The Real Self - Self-Activation - The Emerging SelfMannah
#25 - Cynthia Sue Larson - High Energy Money - Shift Your Reality Through Internal Technology - You Are Creating The Physical RealityMannah
#27 - Diana Mary Rose- Reincarnation - An Entire Network of Lifetimes - The Links From a Psychic ViewMannah
#28 - Beyond The Relaxation Response - The Faith Factor - Solo on the Natural Innate Protective Mechanism - by Harvard Physician Herbert BensonMannah
#29 - Psychoastrology by Lisa Tahir - The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds Through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-ForgivenessMannah
#30 - The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation, and Disease - Dr. Robert C. Scaer - Solo by MannahMannah
#31 - A Secret Key to Life Mastery - Discover Your Personality Type (Imbalance) through the 5 Elements TheoryMannah
#33 - Guided Meditation based on the Technique FOCUSING from Eugene T. Gendlin - How to gain direct access to your body's knowledge - The Felt Sense - Asks questions inwardly and find life-steps forwardMannah