Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology books in order

  1. On Justification: Economies of Worth Laurent Thévenot
  2. Impossible Engineering: Technology and Territoriality on the Canal du Midi Chandra Mukerji
  3. Negotiating Identities: States and Immigrants in France and Germany Riva Kastoryano
  4. Reinventing Justice: The American Drug Court Movement James L. Nolan Jr.
  5. Framing Europe: Attitudes to European Integration in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom Juan Díez Medrano
  6. Blessed Events: Religion and Home Birth in America Pamela E. Klassen
  7. Inside the Critics’ Circle: Book Reviewing in Uncertain Times Phillipa K. Chong
  8. A Fraught Embrace: The Romance and Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa Ann Swidler
  9. The University and the Global Knowledge Society David John Frank
  10. How Civic Action Works: Fighting for Housing in Los Angeles Paul Lichterman
  11. The Taylorized Beauty of the Mechanical: Scientific Management and the Rise of Modernist Architecture Mauro F. Guillén
  12. Origins of Democratic Culture: Printing, Petitions, and the Public Sphere in Early-Modern England David Zaret
  13. Weaving Self-Evidence: A Sociology of Logic Claude Rosental
  14. Seeing the World: How US Universities Make Knowledge in a Global Era Cynthia Miller-Idriss
  15. Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School Shamus Rahman Khan
  16. Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland’s Jewish Revival Geneviève Zubrzycki
  17. Under the Cover: The Creation, Production, and Reception of a Novel Clayton Childress
  18. Revolution of Things: The Islamism and Post-Islamism of Objects in Tehran Kusha Sefat
  19. Billionaire Wilderness: The Ultra-Wealthy and the Remaking of the American West Justin Farrell
  20. The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far Right Youth Culture in Germany Cynthia Miller-Idriss

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