
  1. Raktranjit Aryan Sanjay Sonawani
  2. Letters to the Church: Encouragement and Engagement for the 2020 Election William B. Kincaid
  3. Breaking the Social Media Prism: How to Make Our Platforms Less Polarizing Chris Bail
  4. Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think Andy Norman
  5. The Jaguar Path Anna Stephens
  6. The 7/7 London Underground Bombing, Not So Homegrown: A Selection from: The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Bruce Hoffman
  7. 2084: The End of the World Boualem Sansal
  8. Agent Storm: My Life Inside al Qaeda and the CIA Morten Storm
  9. State of Terror: The War Against ISIS The Washington Post
  10. Fractured Clár Ní Chonghaile
  11. The Last Supper: The Plight of Christians in Arab Lands Klaus Wivel
  12. Jihad and the West: Black Flag over Babylon Mark Silinsky
  13. The Return of the Dancing Master Henning Mankell
  14. Transcending the Color Line: The Sociology of Black Experience in America Bobby E. Mills
  15. Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism: The Dynamics of Delegitimization
  16. Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right Cynthia Miller-Idriss
  17. The Crusades Abigail Archer
  18. The Media World of ISIS
  19. Red Scare: Right-Wing Hysteria, Fifties Fanaticism, and Their Legacy in Texas Don Carleton
  20. The War after the War: A New History of Reconstruction John Patrick Daly
  21. When Magic Failed: A Memoir of a Lebanese Childhood, Caught between East and West Fouad Ajami
  22. Photographic Warfare: ISIS, Egypt, and the Online Battle for Sinai Kareem El Damanhoury
  23. Triple Ken Follett
  24. The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism Lerone A. Martin
  25. Cowboy Conservatism: Texas and the Rise of the Modern Right Sean P. Cunningham
  26. Disinformation and You: Identify Propaganda and Manipulation Marie D. Jones
  27. How the Tea Party Captured the GOP: Insurgent Factions in American Politics Rachel M. Blum
  28. The Dark Feather Anna Stephens
  29. The 21: A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs Martin Mosebach
  30. The Decline and Fall of the American Republic Bruce Ackerman
  31. White Fire: A Fast-Paced Espionage Thriller From the Sunday Times Bestselling Co-Author of The Private Series by James Patterson Adam Hamdy
  32. White Terror: A True Story of Murder, Bombings and Germany’s Far Right Jacob Kushner
  33. Brotherhood: A Novel Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
  34. Plotters: The UK Terrorists Who Failed Lizzie Dearden
  35. The State against Society: Political Crises and Their Aftermath in East Central Europe Grzegorz Ekiert
  36. When Ways of Life Collide: Multiculturalism and Its Discontents in the Netherlands Paul M. Sniderman
  37. A Necessary Engagement: Reinventing America's Relations with the Muslim World Emile A. Nakhleh
  38. Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894-1917 Anna Geifman
  39. Ethnography through Thick and Thin George E. Marcus
  40. The Spectacle of U.S. Senate Campaigns Patrick J. Kenney
  41. Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution and the United States, 1944-1954 Piero Gleijeses
  42. French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti-Semitism, and the Ideology of Culture David Carroll
  43. Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times: The Citizenry and the Breakdown of Democracy Nancy G. Bermeo
  44. How Russia Shaped the Modern World: From Art to Anti-Semitism, Ballet to Bolshevism Steven G. Marks
  45. In Search of Another Country: Mississippi and the Conservative Counterrevolution Joseph Crespino
  46. Rights as Weapons: Instruments of Conflict, Tools of Power Clifford Bob
  47. The Seduction of Unreason: The Intellectual Romance with Fascism from Nietzsche to Postmodernism, Second Edition Richard Wolin
  48. Terrorists, Anarchists, and Republicans: The Genevans and the Irish in Time of Revolution Richard Whatmore
  49. You Say You Want a Revolution?: Radical Idealism and Its Tragic Consequences Daniel Chirot
  50. The War on the Uyghurs: China's Internal Campaign against a Muslim Minority Sean R. Roberts