Cultural Frames, Framing Culture books in order

  1. Changed Men: Veterans in American Popular Culture after World War II Erin Lee Mock
  2. We, Us, and Them: Affect and American Nonfiction from Vietnam to Trump Douglas Dowland
  3. Criminal Cities: The Postcolonial Novel and Cathartic Crime Molly Slavin
  4. Skimpy Coverage: Sports Illustrated and the Shaping of the Female Athlete Bonnie M. Hagerman
  5. Story Revolutions: Collective Narratives from the Enlightenment to the Digital Age Helga Lenart-Cheng
  6. Institutional Character: Collectivity, Individuality, and the Modernist Novel Robert Higney
  7. Walk the Barrio: The Streets of Twenty-First-Century Transnational Latinx Literature Cristina Rodriguez
  8. Fashioning Character: Style, Performance, and Identity in Contemporary American Literature Lauren S. Cardon
  9. Neoliberal Nonfictions: The Documentary Aesthetic from Joan Didion to Jay-Z Daniel Worden
  10. Dandyism: Forming Fiction from Modernism to the Present Len Gutkin
  11. Terrible Beauty: The Violent Aesthetic and Twentieth-Century Literature Marian Eide
  12. Stranger America: A Narrative Ethics of Exclusion Josh Toth
  13. Women Writers of the Beat Era: Autobiography and Intertextuality Mary Paniccia Carden
  14. Fashion and Fiction: Self-Transformation in Twentieth-Century American Literature Lauren S. Cardon
  15. American Road Narratives: Reimagining Mobility in Literature and Film Ann Brigham
  16. The Arresting Eye: Race and the Anxiety of Detection Jinny Huh
  17. Failed Frontiersmen: White Men and Myth in the Post-Sixties American Historical Romance James J. Donahue
  18. Composing Cultures: Modernism, American Literary Studies, and the Problem of Culture Eric Aronoff
  19. Spectacle Earth: Media for Planetary Change Andrew Kalaidjian

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