How to Draw Like a Fashion Illustrator: Skills and techniques to develop your visual style Robyn Neild4.5
Loving Your Epic Small Life: Thriving in your own style, being happy at home, and the art of exquisite self-care Fiona Ferris5
When The Going Was Good: An Editor's Adventures During the Last Golden Age of Magazines Graydon Carter
Knit How (Revised and Updated Edition): Learn to Knit with Simple Stitches, Patterns & Tips Meghan Fernandes
Fashion Design Workshop (Stylish step-by-step projects and drawing tips for up-and-coming designers): Stylish step-by-step projects and drawing tips for up-and-coming designers Stephanie Corfee5
The Fashion Design Reference & Specification Book: Everything Fashion Designers Need to Know Every Day Laura Volpintesta
First Time Garment Fitting: The Absolute Beginner's Guide - Learn by Doing * Step-by-Step Basics + 8 Projects Sarah Veblen3