1. At høre hjertet slå Jan-Philipp Sendker
  2. Hjertets stemme Jan-Philipp Sendker
  3. The Glass Palace Amitav Ghosh
  4. Sidste melding Kai Ibsen
  5. Ascent Roland Smith
  6. In Humboldt's Shadow: A Tragic History of German Ethnology H. Glenn Penny
  7. Myanmar: Journey to Happy Land Thor Zin Htut Aung
  8. Merrill's Marauders: The Untold Story of Unit Galahad and the Toughest Special Forces Mission of World War II Gavin Mortimer
  9. Burma - Myanmar Mette Holm
  10. Slaying the Nuclear Dragon: Disarmament Dynamics in the Twenty-First Century
  11. Conflict Dynamics: Civil Wars, Armed Actors, and Their Tactics Marie Olson Lounsbery
  12. Never So Few: A Novel Tom T. Chamales
  13. Miss Burma: A Novel Charmaine Craig
  14. Fighting Through to Kohima: A Memoir of War in India and Burma Michael Lowry
  15. I munkens skugga Helena Thorfinn
  16. Ayya's Accounts: A Ledger of Hope in Modern India Anand Pandian
  17. The Modern Salad: Innovative New American and International Recipes Inspired by Burma's Iconic Tea Leaf Salad Elizabeth Howes
  18. For Love of the King Oscar Wilde
  19. Seeking the Unseen: Spiritual Realities in the Buddhist World
  20. When Cats Reigned Like Kings: On the Trail of the Sacred Cats Georgie Anne Geyer
  21. Wild Road Trip: Der lange Weg nach Indien Mathias Vatterodt
  22. Burmas historia Bertil Lintner
  23. Aung San Suu Kyi: Politician, Prisoner, Parent Wendy Law-Yone
  24. State Violence in East Asia
  25. Inward: Vipassana Meditation & the Embodiment of the Self Michal Pagis
  26. The Planet's Most Spiritual Places Malcolm Croft
  27. In Focus Chinese Astrology: Your Personal Guide Sasha Fenton
  28. Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965 Yuen Foong Khong
  29. The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945 Ramon H. Myers
  30. The International Human Rights Movement: A History Aryeh Neier
  31. Empires of Vice: The Rise of Opium Prohibition across Southeast Asia Diana S. Kim
  32. Human Flow: Stories from the Global Refugee Crisis Ai Weiwei
  33. Sharing Responsibility: The History and Future of Protection from Atrocities Luke Glanville
  34. The Buried Spitfires of Burma: A 'Fake' History Andy Brockman
  35. Der er blod på dit tøj, Julie Julie Bundgaard
  36. Frag den Weltenbummler! Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos Carsten Weidling
  37. I Feel No Peace: Rohingya Fleeing Over Seas & Rivers Kaamil Ahmed
  38. Burma Sahib: A Novel Paul Theroux
  39. ... I'm a Woman on the Road: Ein Jahr alleine um die WeltReiseNotizen Dagmar Walser
  40. Dear Burma: A Novel Randy Rosenthal
  41. From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia Dan Slater
  42. Spiderweb Capitalism: How Global Elites Exploit Frontier Markets Kimberly Kay Hoang
  43. Tears of Gold: Portraits of Yazidi, Rohingya, and Nigerian Women Hannah Rose Thomas
  44. The Boys in the Cave: Deep Inside the Impossible Rescue in Thailand Matt Gutman
  45. Landet med de lykkelige smil Aage Krarup Nielsen
  46. De gyldne pagoders land Aage Krarup Nielsen
  47. Burma Girl Ruth Sims
  48. The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation Rena Pederson
  49. Konsten att höra hjärtslag Jan-Philipp Sendker
  50. The Hidden History of Burma: Race, Capitalism, and the Crisis of Democracy in the 21st Century Thant Myint-U