1. Verdens 100 mest fantastiske fortidsdyr Sebastian Klein
  2. Panda, Grøn Fagklub Hanne Korvig
  3. Diary of a Piglin Book 2 Mark Mulle
  4. Ørken Henrik Enemark
  5. Watership Down Richard Adams
  6. They Work: Honey Bees, Nature's Pollinators June Smalls
  7. The Last Seed Keeper Paul Russell
  8. I Can Be an Eco Hero Thomas Canavan
  9. Year 12,099: Reality is as shapable as you choose to see it Roy Ben
  10. Nieve De Colores Juan Moisés de la Serna
  11. Salvemos la Tierra: SOS por la Tierra con voz de niño Rosana Gutiérrez
  12. Jazz #3: Jazz and Heat Martin Vinther Madsen
  13. Jazz #2: Jazz and Rain Martin Vinther Madsen
  14. Jazz #1: Jazz and Trash Martin Vinther Madsen
  15. El Bosque de los Niños Rosana Gutiérrez
  16. Underpants of the Sea: Harpy's fight for a clean sea Camilla Hindborg
  17. Adventures at Humminghive: Here We Are! Beverley Omsky
  18. Scientific Facts for 7th Graders: Remarkable Insights into Science, History and Nature Aldous Williams
  19. Naturen Emma AdBåge
  20. Fluen Ole: Fluen Ole alene i verden Søren S. Jakobsen
  21. The Shocking Truth about Animal Rights Zoey Fraisers
  22. The Shocking Truth about Animal Testing Zoey Fraisers
  23. Zara and the Magic Seeds: A Heartwarming Tale of Sharing and Growth Shu Chen Hou
  24. A is for Axolotl... Weird Animal ABCs: Meet the Quirkiest Creatures from A to Z! Jenny Kellett
  25. Elliot and the Secrets of the Living Ocean Ella Green
  26. Schwartzi's Paradise: On a Mission to Save the Rainbow Ela Tem
  27. Octopus Ocean: Geniuses of the Deep Mark Leiren-Young
  28. Meet the Pollinators: A Night and Day Adventure Barbara Ciletti
  29. Rädda bina! sa Nisse till Newton Jessica Lindholm
  30. Chasing at the Surface: A Novel Sharon Mentyka
  31. All About Oceans DC Thomson
  32. Alex, Emerelda and the Snufflehog Heather Geobey
  33. Buccaneer's Spit: A Race for the Treasure J. E. Thompson
  34. The Shocking Truth about Environmental Conservation Zoey Fraisers
  35. The Forgotten Teachers: How Nature Wrote the Story of Life Brian Isett
  36. Salmon Run: An epic journey to the ocean and back Annie Chen
  37. Lobo siberiano Álver Metalli
  38. The Birthday Duck Michael Morpurgo
  39. Exploring Wetlands: Nature’s Quiet Wonders Mary Barneby
  40. Noa and the Little Elephant Michael Foreman
  41. The Adventures of Captain Cutie Pie and Deputy Boo: Book 1: How They Got Their Nicknames Andrea Lurier
  42. The Curious Caterpillar: A Journey of Transformation, Curiosity, and the Beauty of Change! Shu Chen Hou
  43. Sparkle and the Secret Garden: A Whimsical Adventure of Growth, Nature’s Magic, and Blossoming Friendships! Shu Chen Hou
  44. Garden Surprise: Kaleidoscope Club Series Book #1 Marie Mazas
  45. The Bee Mother Hetxw'ms Gyetxw Brett Huson
  46. The Raven Mother Hetxw'ms Gyetxw Brett D. Huson
  47. The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs Kate Messner
  48. The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs Kate Messner
  49. The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs Kate Messner
  50. Adventures in Backyard Gardening: Inspiring Young Gardeners to Grow Their Own Food Ron Smith