
  1. Dagen der aldrig kommer Tom Peder Olsen
  2. Blackout Tonny Gulløv
  3. Med døden på arbejde - To retsmedicinere om krig, katastrofer, terror og tortur Hans Petter Hougen
  4. De 10 sidste sekunder Simon Kernick
  5. Fange nummer 9: Sådan undslap jeg en kinesisk genopdragelseslejr Gulbahar Haitiwaji
  6. Poison Study Maria V. Snyder
  7. The 120 Days of Sodom Marquis de Sade
  8. Cellar of Horror: The Story of Gary Heidnik Ken Englade
  9. Lida Stephen King
  10. If Nuns Ruled the World: Ten Sisters on a Mission Jo Piazza
  11. The Least of My Scars Stephen Graham Jones
  12. Mord på 90-talet Diverse bidragsydere
  13. Fallout: A Novel Sadie Jones
  14. Bent Heavens Daniel Kraus
  15. Golden Boys Beware: A Novel Hannah Capin
  16. Safe and Sound J.D. Rhoades
  17. A Death in California: A True Account of Love and Murder Among the Very Rich Joan Barthel
  18. The Gunpowder Plot: History in an Hour Sinead Fitzgibbon
  19. Uppkomlingarna : En personundersökning Per Gunnar Evander
  20. The Black Banners (Declassified): How Torture Derailed the War on Terror after 9/11 Ali H. Soufan
  21. Pojken i källaren: En sann historia om grymhet och tortyr Stephen Smith
  22. Lord of Order Brett Riley
  23. The Occassional Table Elizabeth Coldwell
  24. Tortured Dreams: Dreams & Reality Series, Book 1 Hadena James
  25. The Illustrated Slave: Empathy, Graphic Narrative, and the Visual Culture of the Transatlantic Abolition Movement, 1800–1852 Martha J. Cutter
  26. The Hawker Series Volume One: Florida Firefight, L.A. Wars, and Chicago Assault Randy Wayne White
  27. Brightness Falls from the Air James Tiptree
  28. If Nuns Ruled the World: Ten Sisters on a Mission Jo Piazza
  29. Torquemada: A Novel Howard Fast
  30. The Sea-Wolf Jack London
  31. Three Sisters in Black: The Bizarre True Case of the Bathtub Tragedy Norman Zierold
  32. The Macdonald Romances: The French Bride and Clandara Evelyn Anthony
  33. Marathon Man: A Novel William Goldman
  34. Daughters of the Inquisition: Medieval Madness: Origins and Aftermath Christina Crawford
  35. Blood Sports: A Novel Eden Robinson
  36. Mannequin J. Robert Janes
  37. Termination Deborah Chester
  38. Heaven High, Ocean Deep: Naval Fighter Wing at War Tim Hillier-Graves
  39. The Garments of Court and Palace: Machiavelli and the World That He Made Philip Bobbitt
  40. Thomas H. Cook's True Crime: Blood Echoes and Early Graves Thomas H. Cook
  41. Early Graves: A True Story of Murder and Passion Thomas H. Cook
  42. The Staked Goat Jeremiah Healy
  43. Dead Man's Diary and A Taste for Cognac: Two Mike Shayne Mysteries Brett Halliday
  44. War by Other Means: An Insider's Account of the War on Terror John Yoo
  45. Purgatory's Angel B. Hughes-Millman
  46. Triggerfish: A Crime Novel Dieter Kalteis
  47. God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World Cullen Murphy
  48. Mad Madame LaLaurie: New Orleans' Most Famous Murderess Revealed Lorelei Shannon
  49. The Road Out of Hell: Sanford Clark and the True Story of the Wineville Murders Anthony Flacco
  50. Slave's Confession Slave Nano