1. Satans til Higginbottom Jørn Riel
  2. Mirakelfloden Ann Patchett
  3. Walden Henry David Thoreau
  4. Two Ornithologists on the Lower Danube - Being a Record of a Journey to the Dobrogea and the Danube Delta with a Systematic List of the Birds Observed H. Kirke Swann
  5. Frit fald over Amazonas Ulla Lund
  6. The Guardian Angel Laura Oliver
  7. My Season on the Kenai: Fishing Alaska's Greatest Salmon River Lew Freedman
  8. Through the Mountains: The French Broad River and Time John E. Ross
  9. Freshwater Sponges of Tennessee John Copeland
  10. Cougar Bay Nature Preserve: Saving Coeur d'Alene's Natural Gem Theresa Shaffer
  11. Life on the Upper Thames H. R. Robertson
  12. مسامرات جسر بزبيز شاكر الأنباري
  13. From Ridgetops To Riverbottoms: A Celebration of Outdoor Life in Tennessee Sam Venable
  14. Watching the River Run: A Photographic Journey down the Youghiogheny Tim Palmer
  15. The End of the River: Dams, Drought and Déjà Vu on the Rio São Francisco Brian Harvey
  16. Sea and River-side Rambles in Victoria: Exploring Victorian Waterfronts: A Nature Lover's Journey Samuel Hannaford
  17. The Mindful Art of Wild Swimming: Reflections for Zen Seekers Tessa Wardley
  18. Edge of Redfish Lake Conrad Jungmann Jr.
  19. Ciénaga de Zapata. El humedal de los tesoros Lázaro Estenoz Cosme
  20. Chattooga: Descending into the Myth of Deliverance River John Lane
  21. River of Lakes: A Journey on Florida's St. Johns River Bill Belleville
  22. Listening to the Savage: River Notes and Half-Heard Melodies Barbara Hurd
  23. Chattahoochee River User's Guide Joe Cook
  24. Drifting into Darien: A Personal and Natural History of the Altamaha River Janisse Ray
  25. Fields and Streams: Stream Restoration, Neoliberalism, and the Future of Environmental Science Rebecca Lave
  26. Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
  27. Walden Henry David Thoreau
  28. The Potomac River: A History & Guide Garrett Peck
  29. River-Horse: A Voyage Across America William Least Heat-Moon
  30. The End of the River: Dams, Drought and Déjà Vu on the Rio São Francisco Brian Harvey
  31. The Mekong: Turbulent Past, Uncertain Future Milton Osborne
  32. The Hudson: America's River Frances F. Dunwell
  33. My Paddle to the Sea: Eleven Days on the River of the Carolinas John Lane
  34. Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau's Woods Richard B. Primack
  35. The Giant Otter: Giants of the Amazon Jessica Groenendijk
  36. Mengele zoo Gert Nygårdshaug
  37. On the Pollution of the Rivers of the Kingdom: Preserving Rivers for Future Generations: A Call to Action on Water Pollution Fisheries Preservation Society
  38. Rivers: A Very Short Introduction Nick Middleton
  39. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Evolutionary Theory) Charles Darwin
  40. Walden Henry David Thoreau
  41. Heartbeats in the Muck: The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor John Waldman
  42. A Field Guide to Larking Lara Maiklem
  43. Species général des hydrocanthares et gyriniens: Exploration des insectes aquatiques par un entomologiste passionné Charles Aubé
  44. New Rivers of the North: The Yarn of Two Amateur Explorers: Journey into the Unknown: A Tale of Exploration in Northern Canada Hulbert Footner
  45. Pimpa e la gita nella foresta Altan
  46. Bringing Sustainability to the Ground Level: Competing Demands in the Yellowstone River Valley Susan J. Gilbertz
  47. Walden by Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau
  48. Tales of the Angler's Eldorado: New Zealand: A Journey Through New Zealand's Angler's Paradise Zane Grey
  49. Life Lessons From the Amazon: A Guide to Life From One Epic Jungle Adventure Pip Stewart
  50. Calle Amazonas Bernardo Gutiérrez González