Religiøse konflikter

  1. Døden på stranden: En North Devon-krimi Ann Cleeves
  2. Remnant Fellowship Church del 1: Slankedronningens kristne imperie Thomas Stokholm
  3. Remnant Fellowship Church del 2: Døbt og straffet i Herrens navn Thomas Stokholm
  4. Som Sørine læser Bibelen Sørine Gotfredsen
  5. Korstogene Kurt Villads Jensen
  6. Den sorte kat i Mosul Puk Damsgård
  7. Fange nummer 9: Sådan undslap jeg en kinesisk genopdragelseslejr Gulbahar Haitiwaji
  8. Afghanerne Åsne Seierstad
  9. About Abortion: Ten Things a New Generation of Christians Should Know James V. Heidinger III
  10. To verdener – et menneske: Et liv i Danmark med flere kulturer Lise Thorsen
  11. Aşkanjali: The Sufi Sermon Abhijit Naskar
  12. Ud af mørket Lisbet Foss
  13. عن التعصب محمد الغزالي
  14. Fidalis vej George Mastras
  15. Naskar Unscripted: On Life, Truth and Tolerance Abhijit Naskar
  16. Sådan set... P.G. Lindhardt
  17. La luz de la sabiduría Zensho W. Kopp
  18. جمهورية النبي عبد الرزّاق جبران
  19. Die Erde ist eine Scheibe, um die sich die Sonne dreht! Zur theologischen Gesprächskultur – kritische Anmerkungen.: Ein Essay. Notger Slenczka
  20. Jesus har aldrig levet Geoff Roberts
  21. Resisting Exclusion: Global Theological Responses to Populism
  22. Die Muslime und der Islam: Wer oder was gehört zu Deutschland? Hanna Nouri Josua
  23. Mein neues Leben: Christus begegnet Muslimen. Erfahrungsberichte Heidi Josua
  24. Glaube und Vernunft in den Weltreligionen
  25. World War Peace: Neurosultan Volume 4 Abhijit Naskar
  26. Rygtet om Guds død Søren Matthiesen
  27. Jeg tror, du er her Henrik Højlund
  28. Memoir of a Black Christian Nationalist: Seeds of Liberation Shelley McIntosh, Ed.D
  29. International Religious Freedom Report 2007 - Israel and the Disputed Territories: Analyzing Religious Freedom in Israel & Disputed Territories United States Department of State
  30. Apollonius of Tyana: The Pagan Christ of the Third Century: Exploring the Mystical Legacy of a Pagan Rival to Early Christianity Albert Réville
  31. International Religious Freedom Report 2006 - France: Analyzing Religious Freedom in France: Policies, Attitudes, and Persecution Cases United States Department of State
  32. Reformera islam Ayaan Hirsi Ali
  33. Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 years Philip Jenkins
  34. The Forsyte Saga John Galsworthy
  35. The Great Heresies Hilaire Belloc
  36. Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? Tom Doyle
  37. Frit bytte: Indvandring, islam og truslen mod kvinder Ayaan Hirsi Ali
  38. Troen giver mening: Samtaler med moderne mennesker der tør tro Daniel Øhrstrøm
  39. War and Religion: A Very Short Introduction Jolyon Mitchel
  40. Hitler går igen Harald Sandbæk
  41. The Intersection of Faith, Migration and God’s Mission: A Call for the People of God in the West to Engage in Mission Dei Eric Tayem Tangumonkem
  42. Gud er (stadig) blå Mikael Rothstein
  43. Når tro kommer på tværs: Etiske dilemmaer mellem religion og samfund Jacob Birkler
  44. Teologiens elendighed Johannes Sløk
  45. Gud og hvermand Bente Hansen
  46. Holy Wars: 3000 Years of Battles in the Holy Land Gary L. Rashba
  47. Jerusalem, Jerusalem: How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World James Carroll
  48. God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World Cullen Murphy
  49. Connecticut Witch Trials: The First Panic in the New World Cynthia Wolfe Boynton
  50. Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews, A History James Carroll