1. Bag forsiden: Medier, magt & Messershit Poul Madsen
  2. 5 AM Club Robin Sharma
  3. Midt i magten: Et portræt af Claus Jensen Martin Flink
  4. Min vej som leder Martin Thorborg
  5. Fokuseret ledelse Finn Havaleschka
  6. Kontrol er let, ledelse er svært: - en håndbog til mellemledere Peter Krogh Andersen
  7. FEED BACK – så du bliver hørt Maj Bjerre
  8. Noise Daniel Kahneman
  9. Nudge: The Final Edition Richard H. Thaler
  10. Det ny Danfoss: sådan forvandlede Niels B. Christiansen landets største industrivirksomhed Niels Lunde
  11. Leder til tiden Bjarne Kousholt
  12. Ydmyghed i ledelse Karsten Mellon
  13. Overlevelsesguide for projektlederen: På projekter om IT-forretningssystemer Anders Lindskov
  14. Barsel på bundlinjen: Styrk ligestilling og konkurrenceevne med bedre barselshåndtering Natalia Rogaczewska
  15. Creating Great Choices: A Leader's Guide to Integrative Thinking Roger L. Martin
  16. Hvordan man håndterer konflikter med medarbejdere Lars Stig Duehart
  17. Salgslederen: Sådan starter, skalerer og udvikler du en salgsorganisation Morten Eschen
  18. Den rette indstilling betyder alt Lars Stig Duehart
  19. Personlig motivation Lars Stig Duehart
  20. Summary of The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results By Gary Keller and Jay Papasan Readtrepreneur Publishing
  21. Summary of Thinking, Fast and Slow: by Daniel Kahneman Readtrepreneur Publishing
  22. Creating Great Choices: A Leader's Guide to Integrative Thinking Roger L. Martin
  23. PMP: Master the PMP Exam! Engage with audio lessons tailored for top performance. Harrison Drake
  24. Varmluftsstrategi for begyndere: Hvorfor topchefer blander sig for meget og medarbejdere skal blive bedre til at sige nej Per Helge Sørensen
  25. PMP Pro: Transform Your Exam Success with Game-Changing Secrets: "Elevate your PMP exam results! Dive into transformative audio lessons for peak performance on test day." Arden Blakewood
  26. Solvable: A Simple Solution to Complex Problems Albrecht Enders
  27. #ADDAZERO - The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Scale: Scale to Summit Jay Allen
  28. A Joosr Guide to... Influence by Robert Cialdini: The Psychology of Persuasion Joosr
  29. A Joosr Guide to... Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman Joosr
  30. A Joosr Guide to... Getting Things Done by David Allen: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity Joosr
  31. A Joosr Guide to… Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness Joosr
  32. The Digital Transformer's Dilemma: How to Energize Your Core Business While Building Disruptive Products and Services Markus Schmidt
  33. Gestión de costos indirectos en proyectos de construcción Oscar Parra Fracachan
  34. Too Much Information: Understanding What You Don't Want to Know: Understanding What You Don’t Want to Know Cass R. Sunstein
  35. Investment Insights Unmasked: Secrets to Smart Wealth Growth: "Elevate your investment game! Listen to dynamic audio lessons unveiling secrets to smart wealth accumulation." Ronan Caulfield
  36. Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment: The Definitive Threat Identification and Threat Reduction Handbook Ernie Hayden
  37. AI-Powered Decision Making Shawn Carter
  38. Lean Project Management: Streamlining Processes for Efficient Project Delivery Chuck Sherman
  39. Agile Project Management with Kanban: Visualizing Success: Implementing Kanban in Agile Projects Chuck Sherman
  40. Unleash Potential: How to Thrive Amid Uncertainty and Chaos: "Unlock your potential! Dive into transformative audio lessons that empower you to excel in chaos." Benedict Carrington
  41. Crisis cambio Jonatan Loidi
  42. Agile Project Management with Scrum: Streamline your project and boost productivity with Scrum - the Agile methodology for effective Project Management Chuck Sherman
  43. Equilibrio verde: Cuándo incorporar la sostenibilidad en los negocios (y cuándo no) Yossi Sheffi
  44. Breaking Bad Habits: Defy Industry Norms and Reinvigorate Your Business Freek Vermeulen
  45. Transform Chaos into Strength: Secrets for Thriving Amidst Life's Turbulence: "Master Life's Chaos: Engage with dynamic audio lessons designed to turn turmoil into resilience and strength!" Orson Wexford
  46. How to Win at the Sport of Business Mark Cuban
  47. Putting First What Matters Most: Proven Strategies for Success in Work and in Life Jane K. Cleland
  48. Pivot, Disrupt, Transform: How Leaders Beat the Odds and Survive Marcia Daszko
  49. NeuroWisdom: The New Brain Science of Money, Happiness, and Success Mark Robert Waldman
  50. More Excel Outside the Box: Advanced Tips, Techniques, and Tricks for Excel Power Users MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books