
  1. Græsplænebogen Andreas Jørgensen
  2. 80 vilde blomster du gerne vil kende Søren Ryge Petersen
  3. Vildskab i haven: Mere natur tættere på Lilli Gruwier
  4. Vildere have Lene Beier
  5. Plant Science for Gardeners: Essentials for Growing Better Plants Robert Pavlis
  6. Den spiselige permahave: – med naturen som læremester Birgit Rothmann
  7. Home Gardener's Orchids: Selecting, growing, displaying, improving and maintaining orchids David Squire
  8. Propagation of Plants - A Complete Guide for Professional and Amateur Growers of Plants by Seeds, Layers, Grafting and Budding, with Chapters on Nursery and Greenhouse Management M. G. Kains
  9. Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers Jessica Roux
  10. Sustainable Botany: Understanding Plants, Sustainable Living, and Ecological Systems (2 in 1) Jeron Iris
  11. 365 Gartenfragen & Antworten: für intelligente Faule Karl Ploberger
  12. Farming Systems for Sustainable Agriculture Durgeshwari Asan
  13. Blooms & Dreams: Cultivating Wellness, Generosity & a Connection to the Land Misha Gillingham
  14. Horticulture Essentials Bhagwanti Kakkar
  15. Plant Genetics and Breeding Simplified Chanakya Varman
  16. Plant Cell Culture and Innovation Ameyatma Mahajan
  17. Plants as Sources for Novel Medicines Ameyatma Mahajan
  18. Horticulture and Fruit Production: Step-by-Step Ankal Ahluwalia
  19. Dry Land Horticulture: Thriving in Tough Conditions Girik Bhat
  20. Horticultural Crops: Disease Prevention Made Easy Bhima Pothuvaal
  21. La nación de las plantas Stefano Mancuso
  22. Flower Gardening for Beginners: A Guide to Growing and Maintaining a Cut Flower Garden Amy Barene
  23. Plant Physiology: From Historical Roots to Future Frontiers
  24. La investigación sobre Ulex europaeus: Una aproximación bibliométrica Héctor Edwin Beltrán Gutiérrez
  25. Naturens vidundere J. O. Bøving-Petersen
  26. American Horticultural Society Essential Guide to Perennial Gardening: Techniques and Know-How for Planning, Planting, and Tending Low-Maintenance Perennial Plantings American Horticultural Society
  27. The Backyard Homestead: The Ultimate Guide to Organic Gardening for Beginners, Discover All The Essential Information About Growing Your Own Organic Garden R.S. Rusbot
  28. Heilpflanzen Rezeptbuch: Die besten Phytotherapie Rezepte gegen vielerlei Alltagsleiden für mehr Energie, Vitalität & Lebensfreude - inkl. Salben, Cremes, Tinkturen & Mundspülungen Marion Gesicki
  29. Measurement Techniques in Floral Studies Durgeshwari Asan
  30. Jardinería perenne: Cómo crear un jardín perenne y cultivar flores, verduras, arbustos, hierbas y frutas, además de embellecerlo mediante técnicas de poda Dion Rosser
  31. Alaska's Wilderness Medicines: Healthful Plants of the Far North Eleanor G. Viereck
  32. Recuerdos de un jardinero inglés Reginald Arkell
  33. Advanced Irrigation and Drainage Techniques Sumitra Varman
  34. Core Concepts of Biomechanics Mani Devar
  35. Essentials of Plant Anatomy Ameyatma Mahajan
  36. Innovative Brewing Science: An Integrated Study Anasuya Shah
  37. Plant Physiology: Growth, Development, and Metabolism Chanakya Varman
  38. Heat Stress In Food Grain Crops: Plant Breeding and Omics Research
  39. Tomatoes: A Grower's Guide Jean-Martin Fortier
  40. Herbal Wonders: Simple Secrets to Transform Your Health and Happiness: Elevate your health with "Herbal Wonders"! Discover engaging audio lessons that reveal secrets to happiness and well-being. Jorvik Freestone
  41. Bloom Like a Pro: Mastering the Epidendrum Ibaguense Orchid Evelyn Corwin
  42. Florapedia: A Brief Compendium of Floral Lore Carol Gracie
  43. Paleobotany: Ancient Plants: Understanding Earth's Vegetation through Time Mike Crawford
  44. Organic Gardening and Beekeeping: An A to Z Guide for Indoor and Outdoor Gardeners George S Kuhn
  45. Plantas de Canarias: Flora autóctona Peter Schönfelder
  46. The Way of the Wildflower: Gospel Meditations to Unburden Your Anxious Soul Ruth Chou Simons
  47. Essbare Schätze aus der Natur: Erkennen - Sammeln - Zubereiten Axel Gutjahr
  48. Grow a New Garden: Plan, design and transform any outdoor space Becky Searle
  49. Haven, håbet og kærligheden: En havebog med attitude Cristine Gliese
  50. Companion Planting: The Secret to Growing a Successful, Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Garden While Maximizing Your Space. Learn How to Grow Crops Naturally, Free from Pesticides and Diseases Kevin Blaine