Den Store Efterfølger: Den Strålende Kammerat Kim Jong-uns Guddommeligt Fuldendte Skæbne Anna Fifield4
North Korea's Hidden Revolution: How the Information Underground is Transforming a Closed Society Jieun Baek3.9
Too Big to Jail: Inside HSBC, the Mexican Drug Cartels and the Greatest Banking Scandal of the Century Chris Blackhurst3.7
Aim High in Creation!: A One-of-a-Kind Journey Inside North Korea's Propaganda Machine Anna Broinowski4
Die Unvollendeten: Berühmte Werke, die keinen Abschluss fanden. Bücher, Bauten, Symphonien, Filme Clemens Ottawa
Film, frygt og propaganda: En sand beretning om hvordan Kim Jong-Ils uhyrlige filmforelskelse førte til verdens mest spektakulære kidnapning Paul Fischer4.1
A Brief History of Korea: Isolation, War, Despotism and Revival: The Fascinating Story of a Resilient But Divided People Michael J. Seth4.3