En smal bro over afgrunden: Den 7. oktober, jøderne og palæstinenserne, krigen og håbet Martin Krasnik4.6
The God of the Way: A Journey into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever Kathie Lee Gifford4.5
Curveball: When Your Faith Takes Turns You Never Saw Coming (or How I Stumbled and Tripped My Way to Finding a Bigger God) Peter Enns4.8
In the Seat of Moses: An Introductory Guide to Early Rabbinic Legal Rhetoric and Literary Conventions Jack N. Lightstone
The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch: The Watchers, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and the End of the World Harold Roth
The Divine Comedy of the First Jewish Messiah: Is the Story of David, Saul, Doeg Ahimelech Intentionally Funny? Antony Hylton
Shimmy & Hadassah Manela: What No One Tells You About Struggling to Have Kids for 9 Years Living Lchaim
Misticismo Judío: La guía definitiva para entender la Cábala, el misticismo de la Merkabá y el jasidismo asquenazí Mari Silva
Halleluyah the Last Restoration?: Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, Ruth Heflin and the Vision of Mount Zion Antony Hylton
«Il suo angelo vi accompagni…» (Tb 5,17): L'accompagnamento nella sofferenza. Spunti di meditazione sul libro di Tobia Paolo
Chana Devorah Mishler: A Christian Pastor’s Life Changing Discovery & Her Journey Home to Judaism Living Lchaim5
The Ten Commandments: A Fresh Look at the Code of Conduct Set Forth in the Old Testament J. Michael Orenduff