1. En smal bro over afgrunden: Den 7. oktober, jøderne og palæstinenserne, krigen og håbet Martin Krasnik
  2. Jordens lykkeligste mand: en Holocaust-overlever viser vejen til et lykkeligt liv Eddie Jaku
  3. På trods af forskelle og uenighed: En samtale mellem Özlem Cekic & Jair Melchior Özlem Cekic
  4. Min fars flugt: Jødiske skæbner i oktober 1943 Bent Blüdnikow
  5. En jøde Meïr Aron Goldschmidt
  6. Min sjæls vandmærke Mirjam Capelle
  7. God Never Gives Up on You: What Jacob's Story Teaches Us About Grace, Mercy, and God's Relentless Love Max Lucado
  8. Jødeaktionen 1943 René Bank isager
  9. Rabbi Berel Wein: The Myths & Truths About the Jewish People That Antisemites Ignore Living Lchaim
  10. Kabbalah 365: Daily Fruit from the Tree of Life Gershon Winkler
  11. The Complex Identity of Arab Citizens of Israel: Part 1 Unpacked
  12. Playing in the Dust: A pilgrimage with the creation stories
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  14. Fire and Song: God’s love song. Your love story. Carl Lehenbauer
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  16. Jews and Christians Together: An Invitation to Mutual Respect Gordon Fuller
  17. Abraham Joshua Heschel Today: Voices from Warsaw and Jerusalem Harold Kasimow
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  19. The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch: The Watchers, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and the End of the World Harold Roth
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  21. Comentario al texto hebreo del Antiguo Testamento - Isaías C. F. Keil
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  23. You Shall Be as Gods: A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament and Its Tradition Erich Fromm
  24. De ti bud Ulrik Nissen
  25. The Complex Identity of Arab Citizens of Israel: Part 2 Unpacked
  26. Walking with God Through the Valley: Recovering the Purpose of Biblical Lament May Young
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  32. Does God Want You to Be Rich? A Biblical View from Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm Living Lchaim
  33. R' Yosef Zvi Rimon: The Rabbi Involved in Getting The Hostages Out of Gaza Living Lchaim
  34. The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Truth Behind the Mystique Lawrence Schiffman
  35. The Hebrew Bible Lawrence Schiffman
  36. Judaism, Christianity and Islam: The Monotheists Frank Peters
  37. Misticismo Judío: La guía definitiva para entender la Cábala, el misticismo de la Merkabá y el jasidismo asquenazí Mari Silva
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  40. The Art of Happiness, Peace & Purpose: Manifesting Magic Complete Box Set Craig Beck
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  46. El antisemitismo explicado a los jóvenes Michel Wieviorka
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  48. Restless: Audio Bible Studies: Because You Were Made for More Jennie Allen
  49. David Sacks: How I Found God in Hollywood Living Lchaim
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