
  1. Trofæ Steffen Jacobsen
  2. Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of The Oxford Translators' Revolution R. F. Kuang
  3. Elefanten i rummet - om modet til at handle på det vi mærker Lotte Svalgaard
  4. Hard-Kåre - Historien om en af Danmarks mest succesrige topchefer Kåre Schultz
  5. The Armour of Light: A Page-turning, Epic Kingsbridge Novel from the Bestselling Author of The Pillars of The Earth Ken Follett
  6. LEAN - implementering i danske virksomheder Niels Ahrengot
  7. Sæt kursen Louise Fredbo Nielsen
  8. #8 - Rumfartens vildeste højdepunkter
  9. Coach dig selv: Og få hjernen med til en forandring Kjeld Fredens
  10. Original - Personlig branding og synlighed Maiken Ingvordsen
  11. Boost din opsparing med aktier Karsten Engmann Jensen
  12. Hjælp: Om at tilbyde og modtage hjælp Edgar H. Schein
  13. Den store bølge Anders Laubjerg
  14. Short-Term Rental Success: Create Welcoming Five-Star Stays Christine D Shuck
  15. CPT Secrets: Transform Your Fitness Career and Pass the Exam!: "Elevate your fitness ambitions! Access dynamic audio lessons to ace your CPT exam and transform your career!" Lysander Falkenhayn
  16. La guerra de los chips: Resumen y Análisis Chris Miller
  17. How To Become A Linkedin Rockstar Chris J. Reed
  18. Servicio básico de alimentos y bebidas y tareas de postservicio en el restaurante. HOTR0208 Beatriz Mesas Maestra
  19. Transforming Healthcare: The AI Revolution in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Chuck Sherman
  20. alchedek Sung-rae Park
  21. EGG-SCITING Secrets to Maximize Your Fertility Potential!: "Discover EGG-SCITING Secrets to Enhance Your Fertility! Empower your journey with compelling audio insights." Ronan Quillan
  22. EGG Secrets: Transform Your Fertility Journey Today: "Revitalize your fertility journey with EGG Secrets! Dive into captivating audio lessons for lasting success." Ronan Brackenridge
  23. From Rebel to Radical Innovator: Leading the Transformation through Circularity Albin Kaelin
  24. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies Andrew McAfee
  25. Tænk stort Maiken Ingvordsen
  26. CMA Secrets: Transform Your Success with Proven Strategies: "Elevate your journey to success! Dive into CMA Secrets for impactful audio lessons that transform your approach." Orson Vexley
  27. Wie eine dilettantische Klimapolitik König Green Barts Reich ruiniert: Klimapolitik der Weg in Armut und Stagnation Leon Leonhard
  28. Clinical Graphs Using SAS Sanjay Matange
  29. Sicherheitsdienst: Abgrund Bad-Mohnhain (Satire) Gian-Antoine Lichtenstein
  30. Determinación del potencial solar. ENAC0108 Francisco José Entrena González
  31. Umgang mit Einwänden: Von der Kunst, Menschen Entscheidungen treffen zu lassen Georg Ortner
  32. Driven: Inside BMW, the Most Admired Car Company in the World David Kiley
  33. Fishing Up North: Stories of Luck and Loss in Alaskan Waters Brad Matsen
  34. Tóxicos invisibles: La construcción de la ignorancia ambiental Agustí Nieto-Galan
  35. A History of the Andover Ironworks: Come Penny, Go Pound Kevin W. Wright
  36. The Company That Solved Healthcare: How Serigraph Dramatically Reduced Skyrocketing Costs While Providing Better Care, and How Every Company Can Do the Same John Torinus Jr.
  37. Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab Sarah Miller Caldicott
  38. The Shocking Truth about Healthcare Systems Zoey Fraisers
  39. From the Ground Up: How Frontline Staff Can Save America's Healthcare Peter Lazes
  40. The Women of Berkshire Hathaway: Lessons from Warren Buffett's Female CEOs and Directors Karen Linder
  41. Business Events: A Comprehensive Guide Susheel Dutta
  42. Business Intelligence and Data Mining Techniques Dwaipayan Sethi
  43. Branding with AI: Modern Approaches Purnima Embranthiri
  44. Business Location Analytics Ankal Ahluwalia
  45. Creative Brand Naming Strategies Purnima Embranthiri
  46. Sustainable Supply Chain Management Keshav Ahluwalia
  47. Leveraging Social Media Influencers for Branding Ajay Mittal
  48. Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy Dhanalakshmi Marar
  49. Trade Credit and Financial Instruments Shivam Sirohi
  50. Customer Relationship Management Essentials Harendra Phadke