1. Munken Søren Mogensen
  2. Uforståelig ondskab - Vores lys i mørket Christoffer Greenfort
  3. Ramadan Reflections: Selected Stories from Islam Imam Awlaki
  4. Herredømmet: Da kristendommen skabte den vestlige bevidsthed Tom Holland
  5. Landet under landet: Rejser i det gamle Mexicos historie Jesper Nielsen
  6. Maria Magdalene - Seeren, Oraklet og Den Glemte Kraft Lars Muhl
  7. De nordiske guder og vikingerne Lars Christian Nørbach
  8. Da danerne blev kristne Marie Brinch
  9. Gifttræets evangelium Barbara Kingsolver
  10. Seven Types of Atheism John Gray
  11. Stories of The Prophets in Islam Imam Awlaki
  12. Naturens lys: Filosofi og kosmologi i middelalder og renæssance 1250 – 1650 Aksel Haaning
  13. From Almost to the Altogether: Sermons on Christian Discipleship John Wesley
  14. From the Steeple to the Street: Innovating Mission and Ministry Through Fresh Expressions of Church Travis Collins
  15. How God Saves the World: A Short History of Global Christianity Timothy C. Tennent
  16. This We Believe: Meditations on the Apostles' Creed Timothy C. Tennent
  17. Kingdom Tide: Unleashing the Ripple Effect of Awakening Matt LeRoy
  18. The Tongue of Fire: The True Power of Christianity William Arthur
  19. The Radical Wesley: The Patterns and Practices of a Movement Maker Howard A. Snyder
  20. World Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit
  21. Bible History and Myth World History
  22. Secrets of the Vatican Cyrus Shahrad
  23. Die Geheimnisse Des Vatikan: Enthullungen aus der Machtzentrale der Kirche [German] Cyrus Shahrad
  24. Authority and Dissent in Jewish Life
  25. A Timeline of Global Christianity: One Thousand Significant Dates for Christianity across the Planet—And Beyond Brett Knowles
  26. Confucian Questions to Augustine: Is My Cultivation of Self Your Care of the Soul? JunSoo Park
  27. From Budapest to Paris (1936–1957): An Autobiography Miklos Veto
  28. Hide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect Communication Benson P. Fraser
  29. Transitioning from an Ethnic to a Multicultural Church: A Transformational Model Byoung Ok Koo
  30. A Long Walk, a Gradual Ascent: The Story of the Bolivian Friends Church in Its Context of Conflict Nancy J. Thomas
  31. Sustaining Grace: Innovative Ecosystems for New Faith Communities Various authors
  32. Constantine and the Divine Mind: The Imperial Quest for Primitive Monotheism Kegan A. Chandler
  33. Understanding Korean Christianity: Grassroot Perspectives on Causes, Culture, and Responses K. Kale Yu
  34. The Name: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God Mark Sameth
  35. Urban Church Planting: Journey into a World of Depravity, Density, and Diversity Stephen M. Davis
  36. Raising Hell: A Concise History of the Black Arts and Those Who Dared to Practice Them Robert Masello
  37. The War That Never Was: Evolution and Christian Theology Kenneth W. Kemp
  38. Regeneration, Revival, and Creation: Religious Experience and the Purposes of God in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards Various authors
  39. The Early Creeds: The Mercersburg Theologians Appropriate the Creedal Heritage John Williamson Nevin
  40. Indigenous: Missions Aimed at Training National Pastors Globally Bruce Snavely
  41. Seeking Virtue: Through History and Scripture David Goza
  42. The Christian Faith: Ecumenical Dogmatics Carl E. Braaten
  43. A Confusion of Printers: The Role of Print in the English Reformation Pearce J. Carefoote
  44. Experiencing the Gospel: An Examination of Muslim Conversion to Christianity in Cambodia Thomas W. Seckler
  45. People of Faith, People of Jeong (Qing): The Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow Various authors
  46. Fear God, Honor the King: Magisterial Power and the Church in the Reformation, circa 1470–1600 Andrew Allan Chibi
  47. Toward a New, Praxis-Oriented Missiology: Rediscovering Paulo Freire’s Concept of Conscientizacao and Enhancing Christian Mission as Prophetic Dialogue Rosalia Meza
  48. I Glanced Out the Window and Saw the Edge of the World Catherine Halsall
  49. Decolonizing Mission Partnerships: Evolving Collaboration between United Methodists in North Katanga and the United States of America Taylor Walters Denyer
  50. China’s Harvest Fields Various authors