1. Når Kundalini vågner: At hele skader fra spontane opstigninger med IFS Peter Legård Nielsen
  2. Ep. 271 – Intuitive Rightness Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
  3. OSHO Amol Raikar
  5. SADHGURU Amol Raikar
  7. Ep. 266 – Ram Dass and Timothy Leary: Scenarios and Myths Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
  8. Hinduism and Buddhism Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
  9. The SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA - MADE EASY - A RUN-THROUGH in English Tavamithram Sarvada
  10. Narasimha Dev: Lion Of Devotion / Protector Of The Devotees Sripad Jagannatha Das
  11. Vivekananda: A Biography Swami Nikhilananda
  12. Der natürliche Zustand: Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung U. G. Krishnamurti
  13. Ep. 267 – The Mystical Nature of Golf Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
  14. Ajamila The Power Of Mantra: A Story From The Bhagavata Purana Shri Shrimad Radha Govind Das Goswami
  15. The Everything Krsna Audiobook Sripad Jagannatha Das
  16. Master Of All Mystics: Wisdom Of The Universe Sripad Jagannatha Das
  17. Bhagavad Gita User's Manual: How To Be A Yogi Veda Vyas
  18. Isopanisad The Essensea Of Yoga Wisdom Veda Vyas
  19. Krsna The First Yogi Sripad Jagannatha Das
  20. Reincarnation Sripad Jagannatha Das
  21. The Science Of Reincarnation: Path To Perfection Sripad Jagannatha Das
  22. La Katha Upanishad Centre Védantique Ramakrishna
  23. Ep. 268 – Ram Dass and Stephen Levine: The Heart of Healing Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
  24. Hanuman Chalisa with Meaning in English Tulsidas
  25. Yoga Philosophy: An Outline of the Secret Hindu Teachings Hereward Carrington PhD
  26. Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda Swami Paramananda
  27. Krishna: The History and Legacy of the Popular Hindu Deity Charles River Editors
  28. A Seeker's Guide to the Yoga Sutras: Modern Reflections on the Ancient Journey Ram Bhakt
  29. Dwapar Katha: Mahabharat kii gathayen Bhaag-2 Sudipta Bhawmik
  30. Dwapar Katha: Mahabharat ki Gathayen Bhaag-1 Sudipta Bhawmik
  31. Mahabharata.Tomo III Vedavyasa
  32. Uttara Gîtâ: El Canto Supremo Ada Albrecht
  33. Bhakti Sûtras de Nârada: Seguidos por los Bhakti Sûtras de Shândilya Devarishi Nârada
  34. Astâvakra Gîtâ: Un libro para la contemplación divina Claudio Dossetti
  35. Ep. 269 – Ram Dass and Stephen Levine: An Opportunity to Grow Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
  36. Stories on lord Shiva series 26: From various sources of Shiva Purana Anusha HS
  37. Historia del yoga: Desde la India antigua hasta el Occidente moderno María Dolores Ábalos
  38. The Last Few Days Of The Blue God Sanjib Chattopadhyay
  39. Ep. 270 – Ram Dass and Stephen Levine: Transforming Negative Energy Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember
  40. Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva Janaki Bakhle
  41. The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Vols 1–3 (The End of Sorrow, Like a Thousand Suns, To Love Is to Know Me) Eknath Easwaran
  42. The Soul At Death: A Moment To Moment Timeline Sripad Jagannatha Das
  43. The Inner Government of the World Annie Besant
  44. Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations
  45. THE RAMAYANA OF VALMIKI Valmiki Ramayana
  46. Bhagavad Gita: the Wisdom of the Hindu Epic Mahabharata Narmad Darsha
  47. Devi Mahatmyam: The Glory of the Goddess Sage Markandeya
  48. Stories on lord Ganesh series - 23: From various sources of Ganesh purana Anusha HS
  49. Raja Yoga: Mastery of Mind and Meditation Clarice Bendleton
  50. Stories on lord Ganesh series - 24: From various sources of Ganesh purana Anusha HS