Die Rote Medaille der Tapferkeit: Die Tapferkeit und innere Konflikte junger Soldaten auf dem Schlachtfeld Stephen Crane
A Chronicle of Civil War Hampton, Virginia: Struggle and Rebirth on the Homefront Alice Matthews Erickson
Unlikely Warriors: The British in the Spanish Civil War and the Struggle Against Fascism Richard Baxell
The Polk Conspiracy: Murder and Cover-Up in the Case of CBS News Correspondent George Polk Kati Marton
In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The 1918–1921 Pogroms in Ukraine and the Onset of the Holocaust Jeffrey Veidlinger4
The Making of a Civilian Soldier in the Civil War: The First Diary of Private WIlliam J. McLean Along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and the Affair of Edwards Ferry Dennis D. Urban