

  1. Forbered dig bedst på det værste: Sikkerhedsekspertens guide til, hvordan du sikrer dig selv og din familie under kriser, katastrofer og strømsvigt Susanne Skov Diemer
  2. Bobler, bullshit og børsfest: Hvad enhver investor bør vide Lars Tvede
  3. Den Sorte Svane: – Højst usandsynlige begivenheder og deres indflydelse på vores verden Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  4. Det bedste bud: Hvordan Fritz Schur rev tæppet væk under Dong, Bjarne Corydon sneg en handel gennem Christiansborg, og Goldman Sachs gjorde en gylden forretning. Anders-Peter Mathiasen
  5. Bitcoin: Fremtidens penge Peter Hertz
  6. Det første år Anne Sofie Kragh
  7. Rubler og skrupler Morten Hansted
  8. The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm Sean D. Carr
  9. أين يعمل السعوديون جمال بنون
  10. American Gridlock: Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong - Commonsense 101 Solutions to the Economic Crises H. Woody Brock
  11. The Day the Bubble Burst: A Social History of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 Max Morgan-Witts
  12. Amagerbanken Uffe Gardel
  13. Una crisis y cinco errores Juan Rallo
  14. ¿El final de la crisis? Ignacio de la Torre
  15. Siete lecciones para liderar Bill George
  16. Promotores de la crisis Bárbara Huerta
  17. Talento a prueba de crisis Leila Navarro
  18. Irresponsables David Díez Llamas
  19. Race for Tomorrow: Survival, Innovation and Profit on the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis Simon Mundy
  20. Utkanter Chirbes Rafael
  21. Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco John Helyar
  22. Capitalism: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd edition James Fulcher
  23. La vida es dura Andreu Martín
  24. Capitalismo (1679-2065): Una aproximación al sistema económico que ha producido más prosperidad y desigualdad en el mundo Santiago Niño-Becerra
  25. The Road Jack London
  26. Finanskrisen: Kleptokratiets konsekvens Christen Sørensen
  27. The Swank Hotel Lucy Corin
  28. Money in One Lesson: How it Works and Why Gavin Jackson
  29. Den lille guide til penge, krak & bobler Martin Mygind
  30. Hårda tider : Amerikaner berättar om den stora depressionen Studs Terkel
  31. Gaffs: Why No One Can Get a House, and What We Can Do About It Rory Hearne
  32. Pyramid of Lies: The Prime Minister, the Banker and the Billion Pound Scandal Duncan Mavin
  33. Ud af krisen Kim Paulsen
  34. Hightech-Kapitalismus in der großen Krise Wolfgang Fritz Haug
  35. The Illusion of Control: Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can't) Do About It Jon Danielsson
  36. Geldschöpfung: Die verborgene Macht der Banken Horst Seiffert
  37. The Big Short: Den sanna historien bakom århundradets finanskris Lewis Michael
  38. Nedlukket: Hvordan corona rystede verdensøkonomien Adam Tooze
  39. Thrive: Fundamentals for a new economy Shinta Oosterwaal
  40. En kort historie om lighed Thomas Piketty
  41. Den græske krise: – og Tysklands korsfæstelse af Europa Christen Sørensen
  42. Debt – Updated and Expanded: The First 5,000 Years David Graeber
  43. Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts Max Haiven
  44. Media Amnesia: Rewriting the Economic Crisis Laura Basu
  45. Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts Max Haiven
  46. Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression Jack Rasmus
  47. Ireland's Economic History: Crisis and Development in the North and South Gerard McCann
  48. The Shifts and the Shocks: What We've Learned and Have Still to Learn From the Financial Crisis Martin Wolf
  49. Memoria David Lagercrantz
  50. The Vanishing American Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of a New Economy Gerald F. Davis