
  1. Faith Mich Vraa
  2. Floden fører mig hjem Eleanor Shearer
  3. Captain America - Begyndelsen - Supersoldaten Steve og en hær af cyborgs Marvel
  4. Bourne-komplottet Robert Ludlum
  5. The Secret Chapter Genevieve Cogman
  6. A Caribbean Mystery Agatha Christie
  7. Manden med den gyldne revolver Ian Fleming
  8. Caribbean Vacation Guides - ABC Islands: Travel Guide for Aruba, Bonaire & Curaçao - Dutch Caribbean ABC Islands (Lesser Antilles) Caribbean Vacation Guide
  9. Vi fulgte skildpadderne Alice Hoffman
  10. Tristeza cómoda Marsea Jasmina
  11. The Return of the Contemporary: The Latin American Novel in the End Times Nicolás Campisi
  12. Zapantera Negra: An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas Various authors
  13. Zaragoza Benito Pérez Galdós
  14. The Olavo de Carvalho Reader Olavo de Carvalho
  15. Merida - The Delaplaine 2021 Long Weekend Guide Andrew Delaplaine
  16. Den sidste ordre Jack Higgins
  17. Sommerfuglens skrig Jan Gustafsson
  18. Filamentos y rupturas Carlos Eduardo García Gil
  19. The Essential Cuban Cookbook: 50 Classic Recipes Patty Morrell-Ruiz
  20. Irma Brings Love: Surviving a category five hurricane Maureen A. Peters
  21. Tsunami: Women’s Voices from Mexico
  22. Luna Benamor Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
  23. The Flaws in Our Teen: An Unfiltered Look at the Teenage Years Through Poetry Sasha Davis
  24. Guía de viaje de Costa Rica: Aventuras fascinantes a través de lugares imperdibles, cultura local, monumentos, joyas ocultas y mucho más Captivating Travels
  25. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature (Vol. 1&2): Complete Edition Friedrich Bouterwek
  26. 25 Cuentos Populares de Perú para Crecer Juntos José Morán Orti
  27. Solong då! Inger Brattström
  28. Grupo de Arte Callejero: Thought, Practice, and Actions Grupo de Arte Callejero
  29. Frommer's Virgin Islands Alexis Lipsitz Flippin
  30. A fuego cuento Gilda Salinas
  31. The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below Carolyn E. Fick
  32. The Haitian Revolution, 1789–1804 Thomas O. Ott
  33. Tale of the Thunderbolt (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] E.E. Knight
  34. Gerona Benito Pérez Galdós
  35. Che Guevara – Revolutionary Icon and Guerrilla Fighter: The Life and Legacy of Latin America’s Most Controversial Revolutionary David Morris
  36. El Legado del Quinto Sol Eduardo Fernandez Campuzano
  37. From Our Land to Our Land: Essays, Journeys, and Imaginings from a Native Xicanx Writer Luis J. Rodriguez
  38. The Quebec Connection: A Poetics of Solidarity in Global Francophone Literatures Julie-Françoise Tolliver
  39. Martín Fierro Jose Hernandez
  40. La Amada Inmovil Amado Nervo
  41. Antologia Noble De La Poesia Mexicana Various
  42. The Collapse of Venezuela: Scorched Earth Politics and Economic Decline, 2012–2020 Francisco Rodríguez
  43. The Art of the Maya: Ancient Civilization's Creative Legacy Haya Vent
  44. Black Beach Glynis Guevara
  45. Elegguas Kamau Brathwaite
  46. República Dominicana Jean-Paul Labourdette et al (Dominique Auzias)
  47. Arawak Empire: The Seafarers and Early Inhabitants of the Caribbean Rolf Hedger
  48. Carib Civilization: The Warriors of the Caribbean and Their Fight Against Conquest Rolf Hedger
  49. Christ & Caribbean Cultures: A Collection of Essays on Caribbean Christology and It's Pastoral Implications Gabriel Malzaire
  50. Les républiques de l'Amérique du Sud : Leurs guerres et leur projet de fédération Elisée Reclus