Lessons Learned from Careless People: A Cautionary Tale of Power, Greed, and Lost Idealism – Inspired by Sarah Wynn-Williams Tessa Belmont
Was ihr wollt: Wie Protest wirklich wirkt | Eine Handreichung für alle, die die Welt verbessern wollen Friedemann Karig5
Historien om Greta - Du er ikke for lille til at gøre noget stort: Du er ikke for lille til at gøre noget stort Valentina Camerini4.4
Voice for the Voiceless: Over Seven Decades of Struggle with China for My Land and My People Dalai Lama
Systemstress: Når mødet med systemet stresser dig er en selvhjælpsbog skrevet af socialrådgiver Karin B Nissen4.5
Papa, warum sind wir hier?: Eine Geschichte von Überleben, erfolgreicher Integration und Teilhabe in einer friedlichen und demokratischen Gesellschaft Homayoon Pardis
Our Life Our Way: A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love and Courageous Disability Rights Christine F. Robinson
Fighting Back: A Bold Father’s Stand Against Misinformation: "Empower yourself with 'Fighting Back'! Unlock captivating audio lessons designed to challenge and defeat misinformation." Lysander Calloway
Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself Lynn Twist
Starting Somewhere: Community Organizing for Socially Awkward People Who've Had Enough Roderick Douglass
The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-Mile Journey Through a New America Sarah van Gelder
Vi er sammen om at mærke det: Sådan finder du styrke, selvtillid og fællesskab i klimakampen Esther Kjeldahl3.8