Spectral Spain: Haunted Houses, Silent Spaces and Traumatic Memories in Post-Franco Gothic FictionHeidi Backes
Seeking Childhood: The Emergence of the Child in the Visual and Literary Culture of the French Long Nineteenth CenturySophie Handler
‘A World of New Ideas’, 1650–1820: Welsh Scientists of the Long Eighteenth Century, Volume 1: The IslesPaul Frame
Gothic Mētis: Cunning Monstrosity, Shapeshifting and Subversion linking the Nineteenth Century to the PresentNatasha Rebry Coulthard
Spain's Eighteenth-Century Periodical Press: Antonio Valladares de Sotomayor and the Semanario EruditoMadeline Sutherland-Meier
The Entrepreneurial Society of the Rhondda Valleys, 1840-1920: Power and Influence in the Porth-Pontypridd RegionRichard Griffiths