Empath Survival Guide and Narcissistic Relationship 2-in-1 Book: Stay Clear From Toxic Relationships, Narcissistic People and Emotional Abuse. Includes Recovery Plan and 30 Day ChallengeASTRID HUNT
The Essentials of Minimalism: Declutter Your Space, Mind and Soul and Live a Simpler, Happier Life: Recognize the Symptoms of Over Clutter and the Formula to Jumpstart a Stress-Free New BeginningASTRID HUNT2
Los principios de la autodisciplina: Aprende a controlar tu tiempo y a entrenar tu fuerza de voluntad para acercarte a tu meta: Descubre los métodos más innovadores para lograr tus objetivosARMANDO ARO
First Time Mom Don't Panic Survival Guide: Own Your Maternity Pregnancy, Giving Birth &Taking Care of a Newborn Baby. Includes Ten Must-Knows That No One Tells You + 30-day Meal PlanASTRID HUNT4.3
Cómo ser influyente. Descubre qué necesitas para ser escuchado y valorado.: Incluye nueve fórmulas de inteligencia emocional y una guía para invertir la psicología y hacer que todos te escuchenARMANDO ARO
Relationship Communication: Learn How to Talk to Your Partner to Stimulate Trust: Discover the 10 Communication Mistakes You Don’t Know You Are Making & Learn Exercises to Bond With Your PartnerASTRID HUNT3
Empath: Learn How to Protect Yourself From Toxicity and Stop the Pain Cycle.: Learn How To Immediately Recognize if You are an Empath & The 5 worst self-damaging habits that empaths need to overcomeDENTON STEELE
Investing in Rental Properties: Become a Real Estate Investor and Earn Passive: Learn the Key Aspects of Property Rental. Includes Tips on How to get a Loan and Techniques to Find Value PropertiesDENTON STEELE
Emotional Intelligence Collection, 2 books in 1: Control Your Emotions and Make them Work in Your Favor. Includes 8 CBT Practices to Reconstruct Your Psyche and Exercises to Improve Self-ManagementASTRID HUNT2
Mamá primeriza paso a paso: Respira, es solo un bebé: Guía de embarazo, parto y cuidado del recién nacido. Incluye los mejores consejos que nadie te ha contado y guía nutricional completaAVA OLIVERO4
Autodisciplina diaria y procrastinación 2 libros en 1: Toma el control de tu tiempo. Incluye ejercicios prácticos para aumentar la fuerza de voluntad y hábitos simples para aumentar productividadARMANDO ARO
Adiós procrastinación levántate del sofá y consigue lo que siempre has soñado: Todo es posible si sigues las tácticas adecuadas, desde el trabajo de tus sueños a un negocio multimillonarioARMANDO ARO
Pon fin a la codependencia: Sal de ese círculo y deja de hacerte daño: Aprende a dar el primer paso reconociendo que estás en una relación codependiente y descubre como construir relaciones sanasAVA OLIVERO5
Living on a Minimalist Budget: Master the Correct Money Management Strategies and Discover the Feeling of Financial Freedom. Budget Your Money Effectively and Discover how to Invest and Save SmartlyDENTON STEELE3.5
Minimalismo y organización + Presupuesto minimalista 2 libros en 1: Limpia tu casa, tu mente y tus finanzas. Incluye 15 pasos para empezar a ahorrar y 11 técnicas para salir de deudasAVA OLIVERO
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Put a Stop to Anxiety and Depression: Discover This Ground Breaking Approach to Therapy and Fix Yourself. Includes 8 Practices to Instantly Restore Your PsycheDENTON STEELE
How to Influence People: Learn the Best Kept Secrets of Persuasion to Influence Anyone You Want: Includes Proven Methods to Instantly Analyze People and Master Emotions and Body LanguageDENTON STEELE3
Multiply Your Money With Passive Income: Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping, Stocks & Many More: Jump Start Your Passive Income Business With No Capital and Diversify Your Sources of IncomeDENTON STEELE
Mastering Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP): Every Person You Meet Can Be an Open Book: Learn the Secrets of NLP & Reprogram Yourself to Speak Persuasively and be Instantly Liked by EveryoneDENTON STEELE4
Daily Self-Discipline: Stop Procrastinating, Exercise your Willpower and Reach your Goals.: Includes Science-backed Tricks to Reprogram Your Mind to Finish What You Have StartedDENTON STEELE3.7
Mamá primeriza y guía del sueño del bebé 2 libros en 1: Goza de tu maternidad. Guía de embarazo y cuidado del bebé recién nacido y guía del sueño del bebé para pasar noches tranquilasAVA OLIVERO
Conversation Skills 2.0 And Relationship Communication 2-in-1: Discover the Secrets of Communication to Become a People Magnet, Influence People and Learn What to Say To Give Your Relationship a BoostASTRID HUNT
Renta de propiedades y house flipping 2 libros en 1: Descubre cómo multiplicar tu dinero rentando propiedades y restaurando casas. Encuentra propiedades y financiación adecuada, aún sin ahorrosARMANDO ARO
Managing Social Anxiety Like a Pro: Stop Feeling Awkward & Shy in Social Situations: Learn Proven Techniques to Calm Social Anxiety in Everyday Life & Tips for Strengthening Self ConfidenceDENTON STEELE5
Minimalismo y administración del tiempo 2 libros en 1: Vive una vida minimalista y administra tu tiempo exitosamente. Incluye consejos para simplificar tu vida y técnicas de control de tiempoAVA OLIVERO5
Job Interview: Prepare Yourself and Own that Interview: Learn EXACTLY How to Speak, What to Ask and How to Dress to Make a Killer First Impression. Includes the 12 Most Common QuestionsDENTON STEELE
Minimalism Decluttering + Minimalist Budget 2-in-1: Learn the Steps to a Simpler, Happier Life Through the Art of Minimalism. Includes Essential Decluttering Tips + Steps to Start Saving TodayDENTON STEELE4
Libertad financiera: Consejos expertos para invertir y multiplicar tu dinero sin complicaciones. Aprende a invertir en bolsa, bienes raíces y criptomonedas para crear riqueza y ahorrar para tu retiroRamón Vidrio4
Finding your Path Using the Enneagram: Feeling Confused and not Knowing What Steps to Take. You are not Alone. Discover your True Personality, Embrace your Uniqueness and Make it Work in your FavorRufus Dunn
Daily Self-Discipline and Procrastination 2 in 1: Get Things Going With the Most Innovative Daily Self-discipline Techniques plus Science Proven Advice to Train your Mind to Beat ProcrastinationWilona Clem
Sleep Little Baby: No More Tears (Baby & Mom!): Complete Baby Sleep Guide to Achieve Restful Nights. Includes the Secrets Behind Sleep Associations and How to Make Them Work for YouWilona Clem
Hábitos de disciplina diaria + No más procrastinación 2 en 1: Guía completa para lograr tus objetivos con rutinas diarias y hábitos que incrementan la productividad y cómo evitar la procrastinaciónNatalia Malo4
Empath + Enneagram 2 in 1 Book: Stop Absorbing Other's Emotions, Build an Emotional Shield Around Yourself + Jump Start Your Personal Growth Embracing Your Personality Type Using the EnneagramRufus Dunn
Minimalism and Decluttering: Embrace simplicity, Declutter your Life, Stop Anxiety and Open the Door to Freedom and Joy. Includes Beginners Decluttering Tips + Minimalist Approach to Social MediaRay Black3.5
Breaking Free From Codependency: Discover the Exact Formula to Recognize if You Are in a Toxic Relationship, Build Self- Awareness and Self- Esteem & Overcome Unnecessary Guilt and JealousyTyler Cross4
Relationship Communication & No More Codependency 2-in-1: Stay Away from Abusive Relationships + Learn to Communicate with Your Partner to Reach New Relationship Levels and Resolve Any ConflictTyler Cross
Codependency and Narcissistic Relationships 2 in 1 book: Stop Emotional Abuse Once and for All Collection. Identify if You are in a Toxic Relationship and Learn How to Spot and Avoid NarcissistsWilona Clem5
Guía para personas empáticas + relaciones narcisistas: Aprende a protegerte de personas tóxicas y a no absorber negatividad ajena y a recuperarte de una relación narcisista y emocionalmente nocivaNatalia Malo
Autodisciplina diaria y procrastinación 2 libros en 1: Principios y prácticas para fortalecer tu fuerza de voluntad y hábitos simples para aumentar productividad y dejar de postergar las cosasJacinto Carda
Personas Empáticas + Eneagrama 2 en 1: No absorbas emociones, construye un escudo emocional a tu alrededor e impulsa tu crecimiento personal conociendo tu tipo de personalidad usando el EneagramaNatalia Malo
Effective Relationship Communication: Step by Step Guide to Deepen the Bond and Understand your Loved One's Real Needs. Includes 10 Communication Mistakes you Have no Idea You Are MakingTyler Cross3.5
Habilidades de conversación efectiva: Supera la ansiedad social, conoce gente e influye a aquellos a tu alrededor. Incluye tres reglas de oro para generar conversaciones interesantes con cualquieraHerminia Licea3.7
Dirty Talk, Drive them CRAZY with Pleasure: Set the Mood for Mind-Blowing, Toe Curling Sex Learning How to Talk Dirty in Bed. Includes Naughty but Highly Effective Advice from Phone-sex ProfessionalsWilona Clem4.5
Autodisciplina efectiva: Entrena tu fuerza de voluntad y consigue tus objetivos. Incluye lo que necesitas hacer cada mañana para condicionar tu cuerpo y tu mente para alcanzar máxima productividadJacinto Carda4
Guía de supervivencia para personas altamente empáticas: No es tu deber absorber las emociones ajenas. Aprende a construir una barrera protectora a tu alrededor y a evitar a personas narcisistasNatalia Malo
Revelando los Secretos del Eneagrama: Descubre quién eres realmente y tu propósito en esta vida. Aprovecha tus fortalezas y matiza tus debilidades para crecer cómo persona y alcanzar la plenitudNatalia Malo
Empath Survival Handbook: Stop Feeling Emotions That Don't Belong to You and Protect Yourself From Narcissists: Stay Away From Energy Vampires and Never Again Fall into Abusive RelationshipsTyler Cross5
Conversation Skills for Beginners: Grasp These Winning Communication Tactics, Gain Confidence and Learn How to Talk to Anyone. Even if You are Shy and Frequently Run Out of Things to SayTyler Cross
Habilidades de conversación + Comunicación en pareja 2 libros en 1: Domina el arte de la conversación y aprende a comunicarte con tu pareja para alcanzar una relación más profunda y saludableNatalia Malo
House Flipping + Rental Property 2-in-1: Comprehensive Real Estate Investment Guide. Find and Finance the Best Properties, Create Massive Income and Financial Freedom with no Savings or ExperienceRufus Dunn