Reading the Bible on Turtle Island: An Invitation to North American Indigenous InterpretationH. Daniel Zacharias
The Way of Dante: Going Through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven with C. S. Lewis, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Charles WilliamsRichard Hughes Gibson
A Short History of Christian Zionism: From the Reformation to the Twenty-First CenturyDonald M. Lewis
Forming Resilient Children: The Role of Spiritual Formation for Healthy DevelopmentHolly Catterton Allen
Creating the Canon: Composition, Controversy, and the Authority of the New TestamentBenjamin P. Laird
Worship by Faith Alone: Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of LiturgyZac Hicks
Recapturing the Wesleys' Vision: An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles WesleyPaul Wesley Chilcote