Integrating the Digital Humanities into the Second Language Classroom: A Practical GuideMelinda A. Cro
Claves with Website (Lingco): Interculturalidad, lengua y comunicación para los negociosSusana Pérez Castillejo
Mercy and Grace: Christian and Muslim PerspectivesBerkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
George Washington's Final Battle: The Epic Struggle to Build a Capital City and a NationRobert P. Watson
Other People's Wars: The US Military and the Challenge of Learning from Foreign ConflictsBrent L. Sterling
Georgetown's Second Founder: Fr. Giovanni Grassi's News on the Present Condition of the Republic of the United States of North AmericaGiovanni Grassi
Between Freedom and Equality: The History of an African American Family in Washington, DCClara Myrick Green
Being Present: Commanding Attention at Work (and at Home) by Managing Your Social PresenceJeanine W. Turner2
Jesuit Higher Education in a Secular Age: A Response to Charles Taylor and the Crisis of FullnessDaniel S. Hendrickson